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Book: Aftermath by Sandy Goldsworthy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandy Goldsworthy
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often that Commander E released his shield. When he did, his genuine personality was exposed. “Elizabeth had to finish her contract, and she agreed to take on a new life immediately following her conditioning.” Her new life as Emma Bennett. “I saw her file.” It was filled with video clips and short briefs. The images burned in my mind. I had no idea the suffering she endured during her remaining years without me. It was no wonder she took her own life when she did and transitioned much earlier than scheduled.
    There was a short pause. I saw images of Elizabeth in Commander E’s mind while she prepared for departure to this earthly world. She looked timid, her eyes sunken. Not like the Elizabeth I knew, the fun-loving, spunky girl that captured my heart back in 1931. Then again, she just finished years of counseling, part of her rehabilitation between lives, and was headed out to a troubled contract already outlined for her. She knew what she was getting into. She knew ahead of time that she’d be orphaned.
    She just didn’t remember that now.
    “You’re a good agent. One I want to get back on assignment as soon as possible.” Commander E flashed a grin and I felt the shield fall back into place, camouflaging his thoughts.
    I nodded. Not too soon, I hope.
    “I promised a year or two, Ben. Nothing more. There’s something brewing out west. The forecast looks like a recon squad will be issued in about eight to ten months. Probably need an operative undercover soon after that.”
    I was silent. I knew my time was limited, but I didn’t like hearing the deadline before the project began. Couldn’t another operative go?
    “And, Benjamin? One more thing. Don’t use compulsion unnecessarily again.”
    Damn. I thought I got away with it.
    “I’ll overlook it this time. Don’t make me regret it.”
    “Yes, sir.”
    “Make the most of your time with Emma,” Commander E replied. “You’ll be there for her through this aftermath. Then you move on and let her finish her life. I’m counting on you for this next job. I’ve got SOs in place. They’d make a good team for you.” A female voice in the background distracted him. I watched him motion his hands to someone out of sight, then direct his attention back to me. “Take advantage of your time.” 
    I knew he wouldn’t share more on the topic, so I dropped it. “Where are you exactly?” I asked, realizing the time and hearing music in his background.
    “I’m out west.”
    I raised an eyebrow. Commander E was always secretive with his agents, though more open with me.
    His shield lowered again. “I’m in Honolulu.”
    I glanced at the time, less than fifteen minutes passed since he called. “That’s about what? Four in the morning by you?” To say Commander E was social was an understatement. He was known to party all night. He’d tip a few back and enjoy the company of a lady, or then again, sometimes several ladies. They were all human, and he was not. Back then, a few guys talked about less-than-complimentary actions. Rumors flew about relationships he had that were kept under the radar. In the end, it didn’t matter. No one got hurt.
    A scantily dressed brunette carrying an open bottle of champagne sat on Commander E’s desk in the hologram above me. Her high-pitched voice whined, “Aren’t you done working yet? I’ve been waiting for you!”
    Commander E cleared his throat and nodded in my direction, though the sudden tilt was over before her human eyes could register the movement. He wished me well, shielded his thoughts, and shut down the link. The hologram hovering in my kitchen vanished in an instant with a sound only my immortal ears could hear.
    Before he shielded me, I read his thoughts. He was encouraging me to cross that invisible barrier between professional and personal. Other agents crossed it. I knew that. Molly did it all the time and never thought twice about it. I used to tease her about her love-‘em-and-leave-‘em

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