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Book: Afterlife by Joey W. Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joey W. Hill
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her to be
    alone with this. Fuck .”
    Leland didn’t bother to suppress a
    grim smile at the
    sound of something crashing, perhaps
    accidental y
    knocked off a table—or knocked off
    deliberately—and the
    stream of curses that fol owed.
    Despite the serious
    circumstances, he wished he had a
    recorder so he could
    play this for the other guys of Jon’s
    team who were used to
    him being so irritatingly placid under
    pressure. Now that he
    figured the woman was in good
    hands, Leland could enjoy
    the break from pattern, though he was
    smart enough not to
    goad. Much.
    “Try some of those ‘ohms’ you do,”
    he said
    encouragingly. “You know, that lotus
    thing, with the fingers
    al arranged in a circle.”
    He chuckled as the phone
    disconnected with a definitive
    click, and replaced his own receiver.
    Damn, it was late, and
    he’d volunteered to take Ramirez’s
    early shift tomorrow.
    Maybe he’d get one of the guys to
    drop him off at the
    corner, so he could get some more
    packaged nachos from
    Raj. Checking his watch, he thought
    he could stil catch the
    two a.m. ESPN wrap-up, after al .
    After tonight’s events, he thought
    he’d be dreaming of the
    curvy, perfect submissive he’d yet to
    find. The one who
    would wear his col ar and nothing
    else to bed. He’d curl his
    large body around her like a
    protective panther and know
    she was al his, one hand cupped
    around her generous
    breast, the nipple teasing his palm as
    he nested his cock in
    the crevice of her soft ass. They’d
    dream the night away
    He hoped Jon was on the way to
    finding a similar
    treasure. Something in the serious
    hazel eyes of the
    blonde, the set of that pink mouth, the
    dignified way she’d
    managed to straighten up at the end,
    said she might be the
    kind of pure gold every man sought.
    That every Master
    Chapter Four
    When she got home that night, Rachel
    took a thorough
    shower, knowing it would be her last
    one for a while. She
    woke briefly in the early morning to
    cal in a replacement to
    her PT appointments and yoga
    classes for the next two
    days. Since she had two reliable
    backups who were always
    looking for extra money, they were
    eager to take the slots
    and didn’t ask her many questions,
    letting her get off the
    phone as quickly as possible. The
    relief that she’d be
    missing Dana’s appointment was
    tangled with a
    disappointment that only made her
    more viciously ashamed
    of herself.
    For the next day and a half, she
    buried herself under her
    covers, left the TV on and slept. So
    very, very tired, she
    didn’t care about anything. But she’d
    been down this road
    before, and she knew how to manage
    it. She’d give herself
    the two days for uninterrupted
    numbness and self-pity, but
    on Day Three, she’d make herself get
    up and resume her
    life, no matter how impossible that
    sounded from the dark
    cocoon of her comforter right now.
    Tears spil ed out now and again, as
    she drifted back in
    time and sobbed for al the losses that
    had led to this, as if
    the pain of what had happened at
    Club More wasn’t
    excruciating enough. Every time she
    thought about it, she
    cringed, trying to block the
    humiliation and fear she’d felt.
    Once, long ago, she’d cal ed her
    cravings a harmless
    fantasy. Not only had what she’d
    experienced from Milo and
    Natasha been far from harmless, but
    in truth, the fantasy
    that had driven her there had been
    part of the barbs that
    tore at the fabric of her marriage,
    helping to unravel it.
    She took aspirin and put compresses
    on her face, but
    more often than not, she just slept.
    She thought about Jon,
    cried about what he represented. Of
    al the things she’d
    have to face on Day Three, he was
    the one that frightened
    her most. Maybe she should go ahead
    and take her ful two
    weeks’ vacation. It wasn’t like she
    was going to use it for
    anything else. If she could afford it,
    which she couldn’t,
    she’d take a whole month. She

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