According to Their Deeds
    “It is my work.”
    “You have an interesting profession. That would make you collectable yourself, don’t you think? Do you understand my point?”
    “I do. But of course, everyone chooses their own friends.”
    “They do. To some extent. And why did you request this visit, Charles? Was it only to reminisce about Derek Bastien?”
    Charles braced against the sudden swerve in direction. He frowned a thoughtful frown. “A little more than just that. It was to meet you. I know you were Derek’s boss, and his colleague. And I appreciate having had the opportunity. I know you must be very busy.”
    “I am busy.” There was no urgency or busyness in his manner. He seemed very relaxed. “So why did I accept your request?”
    “You’ve decided to start collecting antique books?” Charles asked lightly.
    The effect was immediate. John’s smile sank into his teeth, and his eyes were pushed out by it. “Might I? Do you think I should? What are you offering?”
    The force of the questions was more than necessary, an abrupt acceleration of the conversation. Charles was nearly knocked off-balance.
    “Well . . . I have quite a few,” he said. “It would depend on your interests.”
    “My interests. I have quite a few.” John was very intent. His smile had been momentarily forgotten.
    “Then you might want to come in to visit.”
    “I might.” Then John remembered to be jovial. “Now that’s intriguing. Absolutely!” He folded his arms and sank back into the deep chair. “I might. But I’m not sure if you’ve answered my question of why I wanted to meet you. The truth of it is that I was intrigued. You were a friend of Derek, the same reason you wanted to meet me.”
    Charles adjusted to match John’s happiness. “As one specimen to another?”
    “Yes, yes! That’s it. One specimen to another! It speaks volumes about his collection, doesn’t it? Ha! I apologize, Charles. No pun intended! And tell me, have you found any other of his specimens?”
    “I had a short meeting with Karen Liu this morning.”
    The eyebrows rocketed. “Well! Derek’s name opens doors, doesn’t it?”
    “I’ve noticed that.”
    “She’s an impressive person.”
    “I was impressed.”
    “With good reason. And she has been a great ally of the Department. I’ve greatly enjoyed working with her. She’s a good start, Charles, and I wonder who else you’ll encounter.” The eyebrows came down. “Anyway! It has been very interesting talking, Charles, absolutely so, and I’m very pleased you took the opportunity to call.”
    “The pleasure has been all mine.”
    “And I’ve done all the talking! It’s my habit to question people, I’m afraid. My old days as a prosecutor.”
    “A prosecutor?”
    “A life I led long ago. Back in Kansas.” Smile. “I will stop in at your business sometime.”
    “I’m in Alexandria. Downtown.”
    “Very nice. I haven’t been there in ages.” He was standing. “In the meantime, if there is anything I can do for you, please let my secretary know.”
    “I will,” Charles said. “Although I don’t know what it could be.”
    “We often don’t. And I do wonder what you mean, that I might start collecting. A very curious thought. I will think about it carefully.”
    Dorothy had steel in her soft blue stare. “What did Mr. Borchard think of you?”
    “He thought well of me. I will tell you all about it.”
    “Mr. Beale?” Alice flittered into their presence. “You have a call.”
    “Who is it?”
    “Mr. Edmund Cane.”
    “Oh.” Charles looked to Dorothy.
    “He’s called twice this afternoon,” Alice said.
    “This will just take a moment.”
    “Go ahead,” Dorothy said.
    “Thank you, Alice.” He picked up his telephone. “This is Charles Beale.”
    “Mr. Beale. This is Edmund Cane.”
    “Yes, how do you do, Mr. Cane?”
    “I am quite well. I am calling to inquire if you spoke with your employee, as we discussed? You thought perhaps he might have

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