Aakuta: the Dark Mage

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Book: Aakuta: the Dark Mage by Richard S. Tuttle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Richard S. Tuttle
Tags: Fantasy, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Young Adult
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actually cost you nothing.”
    “There is merit to this plan,” mused Lord Samert. “With five thousand men, only the largest of clans would dare oppose us, and we can be careful not to give them cause to intercede.”
    “Why the Vessi clan?” questioned Marshal Ednardo. “Why have you chosen to present this offer to us?”
    “Actually,” smiled Brakas, “I am offering it to each of Grulak’s allies. The Glamaraldi and the Lejune will have similar offers.”
    “So you will be sending fifteen thousand men into Khadora to bring home spoils to you?” asked the lord.
    “Precisely,” nodded Brakas. “I will get a small portion of each man’s take. When you are through with my men, we will have enough to found a new Fakara, and you will be powerful lords of Khadora. Everybody wins with this plan.”
    “Except those we destroy,” smirked Lord Samert.
    “And destroy them we must,” warned Marshal Ednardo. “The families of the controlling lords must be annihilated completely. There can be nobody left to file a grievance with the Lords’ Council. If no grievance is filed, then it remains a private affair between two clans.”
    “Then some clans will have to cease to exist,” grinned Lord Samert. “There will be a problem if anyone notices Jiadin in our ranks though.”
    “They will not be identifiable as Jiadin,” declared Brakas. “You are to make up Vessi uniforms for all five thousand of them. That is the safest way to proceed.”
    “I agree,” nodded the marshal. “They will be Vessi soldiers and they will take commands from me. You will have no control over these men, Brakas. Is that understood?”
    “Completely,” smiled Brakas. “I do not even wish to visit them. They are yours until you no longer need them, as long as I get what is due me from the spoils.”
    “So it shall be,” Lord Samert decided as he rose. “When can we expect these men?”
    “I will start sending them tomorrow,” answered Brakas. “You had best order uniforms to be made quickly.”
    Marshal Ednardo escorted the two Fakarans out of the mansion and watched them leave the estate. Brakas grinned broadly as soon as they were off the Vessi lands.
    “That was easy,” laughed Brakas. “I hope the other two clans are as easy.”
    “They will be,” remarked Zygor. “You did well in there, Brakas. How those fools think they can control five thousand of our men is beyond me, but you were correct in your analysis. Their greed blinds them to the danger. Are you sure that our men will respond when the signal is given?”
    “To a man,” Brakas nodded vigorously. “There is no love of Khadorans among our men. When we choose to take over the host clans, it will be easily accomplished.”
    “Excellent,” smirked Zygor. “Let us put these other two clans in order so that I may search out my new host. We will accomplish more with twenty thousand men than Grulak had hoped for with his hundred thousand.”

Chapter 5
Unraveling Deceit
    Lord Marak anxiously eyed the loading of the caravan wagons. He noticed that the escorts for the caravan appeared nervous, although they were subdued enough in their emotions that a casual observer would not notice. The Torak lord sighed anxiously as he mounted the steps to the mansion in Fardale and moved swiftly to the office of Lord Marshal Yenga. Yenga’s back was to the door as he studied a large wall map. Lord Marak cleared his throat intentionally as he entered. Lord Marshal Yenga turned promptly and yet calmly.
    “Has the air tunnel spying revealed anything about Lord Quavry’s interest in the departing caravan?” Marak asked.
    “Nothing at all,” answered Yenga. “Our mage reports that Lord Quavry holds his talk behind closed doors. The air tunnel is not effective in that situation.”
    “So we may be sending this caravan to its doom with no better information than we had the last time,” sighed Lord Marak.
    “Not true,” smiled Yenga. “First, we know approximately where we

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