A Trespass in Time

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Book: A Trespass in Time by Susan Kiernan-Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Kiernan-Lewis
Tags: Suspense, Romance, Time travel, romantic suspense, New Adult & College, Mystery & Suspense
dinner. “It is your birthday?”
                Ella shook her head. “No,” she said. “Heidi’s being witty, is all.”
                “Well, happy birthday, liebling ,” Hugo said, ignoring her words. “We’ll have to celebrate tonight!”
                “Yes! Yes!” Heidi said, clinging to Hugo’s friend. “Let’s celebrate.”
                Hugo picked up the check from the table and, over Ella’s protestations, threw down enough Euros to cover their meal.
                “I am buying you your birthday meal,” he said, happily. “Now, where to?”
                Heidi jumped up and grabbed her coat.
                “Erik and I are going back to my place,” she said, looking at Ella. “Pancakes another time, Ella?”
                Whoa. Things were happening fast.
                “How long have you known Erik?” Ella blurted the words before she knew they were forming in her head.
                Both Heidi and Hugo laughed. Erik looked like he didn’t understand English. A tall, lanky young man with sallow skin, he waited patiently for Heidi to extricate herself from the group. He stood apart, as if ready to drag her out of the restaurant if things took too long.
                “I love Americans,” Heidi said, swooping in and giving Ella a kiss on both cheeks. “Do not worry about me, my friend,” she said. “I have known Erik long enough to know him.” She giggled at her own nonsense and then turned to stumble into Erik’s waiting arms. She waved as he escorted her out. “See her safe home, Hugo!” she called before disappearing into the crowd.
                Ella looked at Hugo. “That’s not necessary,” she said quickly.
                “Few things in life are,” he said smiling enigmatically.
                The walk was slow and unhurried. When they arrived at her apartment, Ella had already decided she would allow him up for one drink as a thank-you for the escort home. She had to admit he was supremely gorgeous in that very blond Hitlerjugend sort of way. Like the messenger boy in The Sound of Music who’s so cute and fresh before he goes all Nazi on poor Elsa or whatever the girl’s name was. The fact was, it had been a horrible day and Ella wasn’t ready to be alone. She was absolutely sure she could manage things so they didn’t get out of hand. Just watching Hugo walk her to her apartment convinced her he was probably too smashed to even get it up.  
                Once in the apartment, she poured them both wine from a bottle she had opened the night before. He offered her a cigarette and she decided to join him on the balcony where the two of them sat smoking and drinking and talking until one glass of wine turned into three and she was looking through her cabinets to find the Wild Turkey she thought she still had. She took her shoes off and loosened her hair so it fell down around her shoulders. When they ran out of matches, they lit their cigarettes off each other’s and giggled and talked about nothing until the streets outside her apartment were as quiet as death.
                She noticed he hadn’t mentioned the Vogel connection. Probably assumed she would just as soon forget it. He was right.
                “It’s getting chilly,” he said. “Shall we go in?”
                “I hate to,” Ella said, feeling woozy and high but better than she’d felt in days. “But you’re right.” She gathered up the bourbon bottle and the ashtray while he picked up the two drinking glasses.
                As they settled on her couch in the living room, he made his move, totally surprising her. He slid next to her and grabbed her hips with his hands and pulled her to him where he planted a very wet and somewhat sloppy kiss on her laughing mouth.
                “Oh, stop,

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