A Touch Too Much

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Book: A Touch Too Much by Chris Lange Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Lange
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had the annoying tendency to stick in mind. She wasn’t yet prepared to snack off people and envision murder as her new spare-time activity.
    “Don’t worry, Rogan, I’ll manage until you come back. What are you going to do in the meantime?”
    “I’m going back to my world, see if I can call a halt to the search and get them off your back. I need to talk to the council.”
    “What if they have you arrested?”
    A thin smile stretched his lips. Letting go of her hand, he placed a finger across her lips.
    “Hush, my sweet! The only person you have to think of now is you. Keep yourself safe for twenty-four hours, and wait for me. Lie low, avoid people, but most of all stay out of the sun!”
    She blinked three times before his words of caution registered. The sun! Fearful of Rogan’s imminent departure and of her new condition, Liv hadn’t given any thought to the brilliant star that provided life to all creatures on Earth—except vampires. No more lazy afternoons on the beach for her. No more sipping cool drinks by the pool with a bunch of friends. Bye-bye daylight, hello gloom and darkness. Forever.
    Swallowing the lump in her throat, Liv forced out a smile. She’d be damned if she was going to let him see her sudden discomposure. What with Khord and a team of trackers hot on his heels, Rogan had enough on his plate. He certainly didn’t need a helpless, terrorised newborn vampire into the bargain. She must be strong for him now. She would be strong.
    “I know. I’ll be careful.”
    “Go now. Dawn is on its way.”
    He kissed her one more time before she got into the car. When she had inserted her key into the ignition, she saw him reach for the special watch on his wrist. Then he just disappeared.
    Liv stared at the empty spot where Rogan had stood. Lit by the full moon, it only showed dust and footprints. In the oppressive hours before daylight, she was alone. Alone and scared. What should she do? Where to go now that she had become a mortal danger to people? Gripping the steering wheel, she drove out of the parking lot.
    An hour later and forty miles farther along the interstate highway, she had discarded all thoughts of finding a cave buried in the mountains, a hidey-hole in the heart of the forest, or a refuge far away from civilisation. The sky had migrated from black to dark blue, a pinkish line streaking her horizon.
    She checked into a dingy motel. Beside hers, a single car was parked by the front entrance. With any luck the vehicle belonged to the owner, which meant she wouldn’t find many people around. Perfect! Although she didn’t yet feel any compulsion to bite, she couldn’t trust herself. After all, this was her first shot at being a vampire.
    Half asleep on duty, the clerk didn’t raise an eyebrow when Liv required a room at the back of the building. He appeared bored, tired, and more than willing to get rid of her, which suited her just fine. In a way the clerk looked just like this third-rate motel—cheap and dirty. Recalling spy movies, she parked the car right in front of her room. As unrealistic as it sounded, she might have to leave this newfound haven in a hurry. Who knew what tomorrow would bring?
    Once safe in a depressingly drab bedroom, she realised she’d have to sleep with her clothes on. Although her first move was to discard her rumpled clothes, she didn’t have this luxury. Her belongings at this point consisted of her handbag and car. Had circumstances been different she’d have gone to the store in the morning to purchase a pair of jeans and clean underwear. Out of the question now, for how did a vampire move along streets flooded with sunshine?
    No energy to ponder yet another problem, Liv switched on the lights in the bathroom and pushed the thought to the back of her mind. She stood in front of the mirror for a while, her gaze drawn to the fang marks on the side of her neck. Two small red holes that had punctured her skin, reminders of the passionate way Rogan had

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