A Sister's Hope

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Book: A Sister's Hope by Wanda E. Brunstetter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wanda E. Brunstetter
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary, Christian
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    “Your daed’s out in the barn right now.” Mom slipped her arm around Luke’s waist. “I’d better help you back to your room.”
    Luke didn’t argue. He felt too weak to resist. Clinging to the bucket with one hand and holding onto Mom’s arm with the other, he made his way upstairs. There would be no turkey and pumpkin pie for him today. All he wanted to do was crawl back in bed and sleep until he felt better.

    “If everything looks as good as it smells, I think we’re in for a real treat,” Ken said as everyone gathered around Grace and Cleon’s table.
    “I’m glad you and Sharon could join us,” Grace said with a smile. “It’s always nice when family can be together for a special holiday.” She glanced over at Cleon. “I wish your folks could have joined us today, too, but by the time I invited them, your mamm had already planned a big Thanksgiving dinner and invited your brothers and sisters to join them.”
    Cleon nodded. “I think she would have liked it if we could have been there, too, but we’d already made plans to have your family here.”
    Grace knew Cleon wasn’t trying to make her feel guilty. He was just stating facts. She looked down the long table to where Abe sat with his children and smiled. Having them here would make the day go easier for Ruth. Last Thanksgiving, Martin had still been alive. Despite the fact that Ruth would soon be marrying Abe, Grace figured her widowed sister was probably feeling some sorrow and regret today.
    “Now that everyone’s seated, let us bow for silent prayer,” Dad said.
    All heads bowed, and Grace offered her private prayer. Heavenly Father, bless our family this day, bless the food we’re about to eat, and help us to remember to trust You as we face each new day. Amen.

    Dear Lord, Martha silently prayed, bless this food, bless my family, and help me find out who’s responsible for the attacks that have been made against my family.
    When she ended her prayer and looked at the faces around the table, a lump formed in her throat. If only things could be as peaceful and joyous every day as they are today. If only we no longer had to worry about being under attack.
    “Martha, would you please get the potatoes going?” Mom asked when everyone had opened their eyes.
    “Jah, sure.” Martha reached for the bowl of mashed potatoes and passed it to Sharon, who sat to her right.
    Martha’s mouth dropped open. “I’m impressed. You’ve only been here a couple of days, and already you know how we say thank you.”
    “Rosemary taught us a few simple words on the drive here from Idaho,” Sharon explained.
    “I’m surprised she remembered any German-Dutch,” Dad spoke up from his seat at the head of the table. “It’s been so long since she spoke our language.”
    Aunt Rosemary’s cheeks turned pink. “I may not be able to speak it as fluently as I did when I was a girl, but the language of my youth has never left me.”
    Martha shifted uneasily in her chair. Was Dad trying to embarrass Aunt Rosemary? If so, it made no sense; the two of them had made their peace several months ago.
    As if sensing her discomfort, Dad leaned closer to Rosemary and said, “I wasn’t trying to embarrass you, sister. I was just surprised, that’s all.”
    She smiled and patted his arm. “Pleasantly, I hope.”
    He nodded. “You never cease to surprise me.”
    Martha breathed a sigh of relief. She was glad things were still okay between Dad and Aunt Rosemary.

    “Gemaeschde grummbiere.” Ruth said when Sharon handed the bowl of potatoes to her.
    Sharon tipped her head. “What was that?”
    Ruth pointed to the potatoes. “Gemaeschde grummbiere—mashed potatoes.”
    Abe’s youngest daughter, Molly, who sat beside Ruth in a high chair, bobbed her head up and down. “Es bescht.”
    Ruth nodded. “Jah, mashed potatoes are the best.”
    Abe, sitting on the other side of Molly, spoke up. “If there’s one thing my little girl likes,

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