A Sip of You (The Epicurean Series)
though I could make any of this go away.
    “He also had three loaded guns on him and a ransom note. He had intended to kidnap and then ransom me for five million dollars. Security was increased, but that didn’t stop the Wyatts.”
    I frowned at him, confused.
    “At least three different men—or their, shall we say, representatives —have made contact through the years, all claiming to either be my brother or to know where Wyatt is. Their stories as to how Wyatt miraculously survived the plane crash have varied, but the motivation has been the same.”
    He nodded, his mouth twisting into a wry smile. “Exactly. Wyatt Lambourne could be produced for the right price. All of these men were discredited and one of them was arrested after we discovered he planned to kill me if I didn’t pay him. You’ve asked me about George before, Catherine. This is why I need him. He worked for my father and stayed on as head of my personal security detail. He has been involved in every investigation. Every single one.”
    His lips grazed my knuckles. “After high school, I was sick of living my life in the shadows, but that didn’t mean I could disregard security. I had to agree to certain…measures to protect myself. And George is part of that protection.”
    I thought back to the portfolio I had found on Jenny Hill at William’s penthouse. Certain measures meant having his dates pre-screened and investigated. It made more sense now, though the screening still went further than I was comfortable with. I wished he’d have told me this before. I wish he could have trusted me. It would have made our relationship so much easier.
    “I planned to go to Northwestern, where several generations of my family went before me, but I couldn’t start college until I knew more about the accident. I had to investigate it myself. I was so young when it happened and so much was kept from me. That was as it should have been at the time, but I wasn’t a kid any longer. I wanted to know, for myself. I wanted to find the wreckage…or them. I wanted closure, I guess.”
    I nodded. I understood that. I remember needing the closure of saying goodbye to Jace at the funeral. Seeing his body, devoid of any life, made his death real to me, but William never had that. There would always be a small kernel of hope and disbelief in his mind.
    “Initially, my Uncle Charles was against another investigation, but eventually he consented.” William’s eyes, stormy grey now rather than steely, met mine. “As you know, Catherine, when I want something, I won’t give up until I get my way.” He gave me a knowing smile that caused heat to rush between my legs. I shifted, and his brow arched as though he knew.
    “So you went to Alaska,” I said, trying to keep my focus on the conversation, rather than all the sinfully wicked things I was aching for William to do to me.
    “I spent over a year there when I was eighteen, right after I graduated from high school. I reopened the investigation and went over everything—the model of the plane, the pilots, everyone who saw or touched the plane that day. I wanted to be certain sabotage hadn’t been overlooked. Everything, down to the smallest, most minute detail, was scrutinized. I hired experts to analyze the weather and flight patterns. We re-traced the search efforts and I learned everything I could, down to the types and sizes of the nuts and bolts, about the plane my family had been on.
    “For nothing.” His shoulders slumped. All of these years later, he was still disheartened. “It didn’t change a God-damned thing. It’s still unbelievable to me in this day and age, when the world seems so much smaller and instantly navigable, that an entire plane full of people could just disappear without a trace and never be found.” He sat back and ran his hand through his hair. He stared at the sky and said, almost to himself, “But Alaska is a very big place and, believe it or not, planes disappear

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