A Rose Between the Thornes
the tie between her legs to around a foot in length. Then before she could stop him, her wrists were once more hobbled in a similar manner. “Until you vow not to try to leave, I will restrain you, love. You are ours and you know it. You need to be here with us and us with you. Only when you accept that can we live in freedom. Until then, I will keep you shackled either to us or to the bed. And I tell you now, Rose, we will all enjoy every second of it.”
    Sophia glared, her chest heaved, and try as she might she could not bring herself to be scared. Angry, excited, aroused—all of those things—but not scared. She knew they would not hurt her.
    “For twenty nights,” she pointed out.
    “Forever,” Nat said, his voice growing stronger with every minute. Sophia didn’t kid herself he would remain incapacitated for long. “Twenty will not be long enough, you’ll see.”
    “If I do not use the facilities I will see nothing,” she retorted. Not a very good reply, but all she could think of in the circumstances. She left the room as best she could with short steps that made her arse sway.
    “I look forward to tanning that arse soon,” she heard Nat say with satisfaction, as she shut the door behind her. So did she.
    The facilities were clean and spacious. Once she had relieved herself, Sophia did her best to tidy her hair. It was a losing battle and she left it to flow down her back. Carefully, she pulled some forward to cover her breasts. As she moved, her nipples peeked through the tresses and reminded her of the game of peek-a-boo. Now you see me, now you don’t.
    Ah well, I cannot help it if they titillate, I can’t do anything else.
    A quick perusal of the room showed her another door. She expected it to lead to some back stairs, to facilitate the servant’s entrance. To her annoyance it was locked. However, a brief look at the lock made her decide to secret a hair pin nearby. She would open it easily when she had more time. Once I have sampled what my men have to offer. Argh, I call them my men . She made a mental note not to do so in their presence. It would do no good to hand them any ammunition.
    Composed, she returned to the bedroom. Jasper, she presumed, had lit more candles and she was able to look around her with ease. What she saw made her eyes widen and her hands tremble. Why had she seen none of this before? Then she realized the screens that she’d thought were close up to the wall had in fact been shielding several items from view. Evidently Jasper now thought it was time to reveal them.
    Sophia tried not to show her interest, though it was piqued by the velvet, silk, and leather she glimpsed. Instead, after a quick glance from the corner of her eye, she stared at Jasper, who lay next to Nathaniel on the wide bed with a foot or so between them. Both were naked, their cocks proud and tall, stood out from their nest of curls. There seemed to be not one whit of difference between them. Their hair was identical in cut, and color, their physiques likewise. In the candlelight and with their eyelids lowered it was not possible to see the slight difference in the shade of their eyes. She let her gaze roam lower once more. Both pricks were long, hard, and thick. If it hadn’t been for the bandage showing white on Nathaniel’s arm, most people would have been hard pressed to tell who was who. A jolt of awareness struck her as she realized that she would always know which of her soon to be lovers was which. It had been the eyes, now it was a sense of them as individuals.
    They are people, two very special people and even in the dark I would be aware who was who. I know I would.
    “Come to the bed, Rose,” Nat commanded. “Kneel between us. And bend forward.”
    Sophia tilted her head to one side. She would do as he said. Her body prickled once more, and shards of desire bombarded her. However, she was not going to make it easy for them. With composure she didn’t feel, she walked toward them and

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