A Reputation to Uphold

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Book: A Reputation to Uphold by Victoria Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Parker
darts of disgust. ‘Is that what you say to all your women?’
    ‘I’m a very generous man, cara. ’ Often he sent jewellery as a gift. They were a fond arrivederci , not a love token.
    Cristo , he’d never given a love token in his life. Even Natalia, his father’s idea of the perfect bride, had chosen an engagement ring from the Vitale collection.
    The memory brought his head up from the screen. Why was he escorting Eva himself—or frog-marching her if the displeasure on her face was anything to go by? And right there he had it. Even if he gave her an unlimited credit card she wouldn’t go. The woman wore sheer obstinacy for skin and she didn’t do devotion . But at least she was honest. If he could admire her for anything today, it was the truthful delivery of that statement. Any other woman would have lied or at least tried every trick in the book to play heart’s desire—such lies inflamed his gut.
    While he was in no doubt that his dark, brooding looks drew them in, it was the drugging scent of bank notes—the aphrodisiac of power—that dropped them before his feet.
    Eva’s eyes began to sparkle brighter than the winter sun slashing through the black leather interior. ‘Hold on... I have my mother’s ring at home—we can use that.’
    ‘No,’ he said in a firm tone, brooking no argument. Or at least it would have, if it wasn’t Eva he was speaking to.
    ‘Why not?’ she tossed back. ‘It’s a good idea. Why waste your money on me?’
    With no intention of telling her his body simply rejected, rebelled and downright screamed no way , he kept the strength of his response leashed. ‘I am not wasting anything. It is insurance. Suppose someone recognises it? Your father. His latest viper wife.’
    ‘You’re right. Good point.’
    Dante blinked wildly in mock horror and slapped his hand over his heart. ‘Say that again, Tesoro. I shall record it for future reference. May even convert it to a ringtone.’
    ‘Ha bloody ha.’ Turning to face front, she wriggled back into the plush padding and he noted the tiny smile she tried to stifle. One that vanished with her next thought. ‘I wouldn’t give her the satisfaction.’
    ‘Ah, yes. Which number is this?’
    ‘Has your father never heard of sex outside of marriage?’ For the life of him, he couldn’t fathom why Nick St George kept returning to the snake pit time and time again.
    ‘Oh, I’m sure he has,’ she said, directing her gaze back to the sweeping view of Knightsbridge, the hurt in her voice unmistakable.
    Dante had never given the man much thought. Only remembered the subtle weakness that hovered over him. But sitting here, now, hearing the anguish in Eva’s words, he began to question Nick St George’s untimely departure and how it had affected Eva, a girl so close to her mother.
    Before he knew it, his voice softened, ‘I do not blame you for being hurt by the events of last night. It was beneath him to allow it.’
    A new emotion burst through the sultry static crackling in the air. ‘You don’t know anything about my dad,’ Eva said, her temper bubbling to the surface. ‘So please keep your opinions to yourself. He has no control over the actions of his wife, therefore he can hardly be held accountable.’
    It wasn’t so much the words as her tone that threw him. She was defending him!
    ‘As you wish,’ he said. ‘The woman certainly took great enjoyment in setting you up. No matter. The joke is now on her.’
    Eva snorted. ‘Oh, yes, until we break up. Then I’ll be a laughing stock.’
    ‘A laughing stock?’
    ‘Oh, come off it, Dante. Everyone will think you’ve thrown me over for a new improved model. Who on earth would believe otherwise?’
    For a moment his thoughts derailed with the nonsensical idea that she harboured a lack of self-confidence. Improved ? How was that even possible? In the beauty stakes, she was untouchable. And hold on...
    ‘ New ? I very rarely date women under—’ He

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