A Pacific Breeze Hotel

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Book: A Pacific Breeze Hotel by Josie Okuly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Josie Okuly
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ear off until she fell asleep.”
    A smile creased O’Rourke’s stern features. “Must have been agony.”
    “Yes, but what a way to go.”
    Nolan turned off the bedside lamp and then followed O’Rourke out into the hallway.
    “So what’s the plan?” Nolan yawned and rubbed his eyes.
    “I’m still shadowing Felicia. The guy probably won’t try again tonight.
    It’s too soon.”
    Nolan nodded.
    “But I’m going to be there anyway.”
    “Such dedication to the job.”
    “Speaking of dedication, how long are you gonna stay here?”
    “Well, I figure Lila will need a ride home in the morning.” Nolan’s tired voice perked up.
    “In case she asks, her precious car is back at the apartment.”
    “I’ll tell her.”
    “You’ve got your hands full with that one.” O’Rourke pictured his partner with Lila Lamont and decided they probably complimented each other. Opposites attracted, after all. Or so he’d heard.
    Nolan narrowed his eyes. “Look who’s talking. I wouldn’t touch a redhead with a ten-foot pole. Nasty temper.”
    “This redhead doesn’t follow that rule.”
    “Uh-huh. Looks like you’ve been shot straight through the heart, if you’ll pardon the expression.”
    O’Rourke grinned at his partner. “Isn’t that the truth?”

    Josie A. Okuly

    The Brown Derby was blanketed with movie people. Directors, producers, agents, starlets on the way up, has-beens on the way down, tourists, gawkers, and the odd pariah. Tonight, Felicia was one of those pariahs. She caught the eye of a director she had worked with once. The director averted his gaze when he saw her. She spotted her own agent through the thick crowd and he made a point of looking the other direction when she passed his table.
    Vance’s hand on her elbow guided her to one of the less prestigious tables located in the back of the restaurant. These tables were not for people who wished to be seen. These tables were for tourists. From now on, Felicia would never be more than that in Hollywood. But it didn’t matter to her anymore. All she could think about was O’Rourke and her newly discovered love for him. She thought about the lines that crinkled at the corners of his eyes when he smiled. She pictured his thick hair and sensitive eyes, at odds with his stern policeman’s face.
    Vance studied the menu. “I hear the cobb salad is first rate.”
    “I’ll have the same.” Felicia closed the menu and handed it to the waiter. “Now, what was it you wanted to tell me? You know I love surprises.”
    Vance shook his head. “Not yet. Later.”
    Felicia looked around the crowded restaurant. Was it her imagination or had one of the waiters pointed at her? Were people beginning to stare in her direction?
    “Excuse me, aren’t you Felicia Avery?” a stranger called out from behind the glare of an exploding flashbulb.
    Felicia flung out her hands, knocking her water glass to the floor.
    Flashbulbs went off and reporters circled their table like a pack of hungry jackals.
    Pacific Breeze Hotel
    “We got a tip you were here,” said one of the men. “Do you have anything to say about DeWarner’s murder?”
    “Was the bullet meant for you or Lila Lamont?” yelled another.
    Suddenly, questions came at her from all sides, rapid and relentless.
    Vance threw a few bills on the table and pulled her up from her chair.
    “Get away from us, you ghouls!” he yelled as he pushed his way through the crowd, dragging Felicia behind him.
    Vance’s car screeched on asphalt as they sped out of the parking lot.
    “Where to, Cinderella?” he asked.
    “Can we just drive?” Felicia leaned back against the seat and closed her eyes. “I want to smell fresh air.”


    O’Rourke pulled out of the Brown Derby behind Felicia and the man she was with, undoubtedly the old boyfriend, Vance Morgan. Reporters dogged Vance’s car for a few moments but the car sped away so quickly, they gave up the chase. O’Rourke was not so

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