A Murder In Milburn Book 2 Death Of A Deputy REVAMPED June 2016 SCRIVENER

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Book: A Murder In Milburn Book 2 Death Of A Deputy REVAMPED June 2016 SCRIVENER by Nancy McGovern Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy McGovern
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on, calm down now. It’s all right. I believe you. I know you didn’t kill Wallis, but I believe you saw who did.”
    Ricky angrily shrugged her arm off. “How dare you!” he shouted. “How dare you say that?” But there was a note of alarm in his voice that Nora could immediately detect.
    People were a little bit like a complex recipe. Sometimes they tried to fool you into believing there was no artificial preservatives added to them, but a trained chef could always hunt out the slightest note that indicated otherwise. The true palate could always tell the difference between fresh and stale, and in humans, between truth and lie.  
    “Why are you lying to me, Ricky?” she asked. “Who are you trying to protect, or extort?”
    “I’m out of here,” Ricky said. “And if you try and tell anybody what you heard, I’ll just say you’re a liar. They won’t believe you either. I know what people in town think of you. They think you’ve gone mad, that you’re depressed since your best friend died, and you’re just looking for ways to self-destruct.”
    Nora stepped back, unprepared for his violent tongue.
    “That’s right.” Ricky smiled. “You’re a freak, Nora. Everyone in town thinks so.”
    Nora resisted the urge to hit Ricky, and instead, calmly said, “You’re coming to town with me, Ricky. I think the sheriff’s office will be interested in a chat with you again.”


Chapter 15
    Ricky tried hard to escape, but Nora’s grip on him was firm as she led him back into town. The young boy really was weak. Although he was tall, he was skinny enough that Nora could overpower him easily.  
    No , she thought, he did not have the build of a murderer.
    Then again, it didn’t take much of a build to hit someone in the head from behind. A coward’s murder technique, but of course, all murderers were cowards in some way.
    “Let me go!” Ricky protested, over and over. “I’ll sue you for a million dollars. See if I won’t! This is an assault!”
    “Keep your voice down if you know what’s good for you,” Nora hissed, as they walked through town.
    “Hey! Let that kid alone!” a voice called out.
    Nora turned around and saw Alan standing there, his features distorted by an ugly smile.  
    Ricky gulped.
    “Alan. You got a problem?” she asked.
    “Sure I do,” Alan said. “You’re sheriff, sorry, ex-sheriff’s girl, aren’t you? What are you doing lording it over a poor innocent boy like this? Let him go.”
    “I’m taking him to the police,” Nora said.
    “They released him already,” Alan said. “Didn’t have the evidence to hold him.”
    “Well, maybe I got new evidence,” Nora said. “Get out of my way, Alan.”
    “You want to watch how you talk,” Alan scowled. “After all, your boyfriend isn’t sheriff anymore.”
    “He’s not my boyfriend,” Nora said.
    “Ooh,” Alan squealed with laughter. He slapped the shoulder of one of his friends. “You hear that, Petey? Sean’s not her boyfriend.”
    “Alan, let it go, man,” Petey said. “Leave her and the kid alone.”
    “Sure I will,” Alan said. “After I ask my own questions.”
    Ricky trembled as Alan approached him, and put a meaty hand around his throat. “Well, how about it, Ricky? Did you murder Wallis? He was a good friend of mine, you know.”
    “Let him go,” Nora said. Up close, fumes of Jack Daniels’ seemed to erupt from Alan’s mouth. She pushed at Alan, and he stumbled backwards, then fell on his bottom in the street. His friends, always cultured, broke up into peals of laughter. They pointed at him and clutched their sides, as he struggled to get up.
    Nora offered him her hand, and he slapped it aside, moving first on his knees, and then lifting his bulky frame up. “You made a big mistake,” he said to her.
    “Ricky, come on,” Nora said, still keeping the tight grip she had on Ricky’s shoulders. She pushed him onwards and began moving up the street.
    It was 3 pm and the street was

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