A Most Novel Revenge

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Book: A Most Novel Revenge by Ashley Weaver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Weaver
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    â€œThere’s no need to…” I began.
    â€œYes, there is. We behaved abominably last night. No matter what my feelings might be on the subject, I allowed things to get out of hand. Please rest assured there will be no repetition of such unfortunate scenes at dinner tonight.”
    â€œI understand that emotions were high. I know it must not be the best of times for my husband and me to have come to visit. If you think it would be better, we needn’t stay.”
    Even as I said the words, I hoped he wouldn’t agree that it would be best for us to return to London. I didn’t want to leave Laurel, not now.
    â€œNo, please don’t go,” he said quickly, much to my relief. “I am happy to have you here at Lyonsgate.”
    â€œVery well,” I said, “if you’re sure.”
    â€œYes, yes, quite sure,” he replied, rousing his hearty host persona. “Now let us eat some of this excellent lunch. Is your husband coming down?”
    â€œI’m not certain,” I answered, taking the plate he had offered me to fill it from the sideboard. “I haven’t seen my husband since early this morning. I understand he’s gone out riding.”
    â€œLindy must have dragged him with her,” Reggie said. “She can be rather an annoyance, but she’s hard to resist once she sets her mind to something.”
    â€œMilo enjoys riding,” I said mildly. And he wouldn’t have gone if he hadn’t wanted to.
    Laurel joined us, then, and Mr. Winters came shortly afterward. There was no sign of Beatrice Kline, and I assumed she had taken lunch in her room.
    We sat down to eat, and our conversation was light and pleasant. I was much relieved to find that the atmosphere was considerably improved by the absence of the most polarizing guest. It seemed she was not far from any of our minds, however.
    â€œIt seems she must have learned something new, doesn’t it?” Mr. Winters said suddenly. We all knew at once whom he meant.
    Reggie looked up sharply, as though he had been awaiting the topic of Isobel to surface.
    â€œBut what could she have learned?” he demanded. He was becoming agitated and doing his best to tamp it down.
    â€œPerhaps she doesn’t know it herself,” Mr. Winters suggested. “Perhaps she has come back to discover something.”
    Reggie said nothing to this, and an uncomfortable silence settled around us.
    We were spared the necessity of finding our way back to a less volatile topic of conversation by the entrance of Henson.
    â€œMr. and Mrs. Collins have arrived, sir.”
    â€œExcellent.” Reggie stood quickly, throwing his napkin on the table. “I’ll come at once.”
    He started for the door, and Laurel rose from her seat. “I’ll just go with you.”
    I think neither of us had much appetite left. We followed him, leaving Gareth Winters looking complacently at his plate.
    Reggie’s voice carried to us before we reached the entrance hall. I could sense that same forced cheerfulness in his voice.
    â€œHello, Freida. Phillip. Glad you could make it.”
    We followed him into the entrance hall to greet the newest arrivals.
    â€œMrs. Ames,” he said, “might I introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Collins?”
    â€œWe know one another already,” Freida Collins said, coming toward me. “How are you, Amory?”
    â€œHello, Freida,” I said, grasping her hands warmly. “It’s so good to see you again.”
    â€œYes, it’s been far too long.”
    Freida Collins, or Freida Maulhause as she had been then, and I had been at school together. We had been fairly close friends, in fact. Both of us were the products of parents who were not exceptionally adept at parenthood, and we had formed something of a bond. Freida’s closest friend had been her brother, Matthew, and she had missed him terribly. When he had been killed in the war, I

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