A Marriage Takes Two

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Book: A Marriage Takes Two by Janet Lane-Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Lane-Walters
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“Sure you don’t want to come?”
    “I might, but let’s not push him. We’ve had a good week. He invited me to the party at school. That’s a start.”
    “Will you go?”
    Her grin was saucy. “And in costume. Enjoy your evening.”
    “You’re the best.”
    “No, you are.”
    Her answer gave him hope. Someday, he would make those words true. How fortunate she didn’t know how deep his betrayal had been. They’d been friends poised on a step they hadn’t taken. Could they take it now? He gathered the scraps of poster board and foil before heading downstairs.
    Chad bounced after him. “Let’s go to the mall for burgers, and then to the arcade.”
    “Sounds good.” Tony hoped he sounded enthusiastic. After ten minutes in the restaurant and arcade, his head pounded. Chad went to play a few games while Tony sat and prayed they could leave soon.
    Chad appeared. “Used all my coins.”
    Tony dropped the scraps in the trash and followed his son to the car. Once Chad was buckled in his seat, Tony leaned toward him. “You should have invited Carrie.”
    “She didn’t want to come.”
    “I think she did. She’s part of our family now.”
    “It’s not fair.”
    “Would you stop saying that?”
    “When’s Mom coming back?”
    Tony sucked in a breath. He wasn’t ready to talk about Marilyn’s plans for Chad. “I won’t have you being rude to Carrie.”
    Chad thrust out his lower lip. “I wasn’t. Not all week, ‘cept Monday. She’s cool, but I wanted it to be just you and me.”
    “I can understand that, but —”
    “I invited her to the Halloween party at the school. She’s wearing a costume. You need one, too. Maybe we could buy one tonight.”
    “I’ll come up with something.”
    “Yeah, you’ll probably come as a doctor, or something dumb.”
    “What’s wrong with being a doctor?”
    “’Cause you are one. You’re ‘posed to use your imagination. Ask Carrie. She has good ideas.”

    Chapter 5
    “Carrie, where are you?”
    Chad’s voice pulled her from a particularly vivid fantasy involving Tony. “Upstairs.”
    “What are you doing?”
    “Unpacking.” She dropped a uniform and hurried from the bedroom. Now wasn’t the time for discovery. She started downstairs.
    “Here.” Chad thrust a bag into her hand. “Are you mad at me?”
    “Should I be?”
    “Dad said I was rude ‘cause I didn’t invite you to come with us.”
    “You weren’t. Your dad asked, and I turned him down. I had to unpack my clothes before I was forced to do laundry. What did you bring me?”
    “Black licorice. Dad says it’s your favorite and you like it better than chocolate. I’ve never tasted it.”
    “Want to try a piece?”
    She wanted to hug him, except theirs was an easily damaged relationship. With Chad, she needed caution and patience. She handed him a licorice stick and popped one into her mouth.
    Tony strode into the foyer. “You’re corrupting him.”
    “Just teaching him what’s good.” She stuck out her tongue.
    “Chocolate’s good.”
    Chad laughed. “Your tongue is black. Gross. Will mine turn too?”
    “Sure will.”
    Chad turned to his father. “See, Dad, I told you she wasn’t mad.”
    “Guess you did.” Tony winked. “Bet you thought I’d forgotten what you like.”
    For an instant, his eyes reflected interest and desire. The fleeting glimpse gave her hope that one day soon she would be able to climb over the barriers he’d erected.
    “Chad, time for bed,” Tony said. “Be up in a few.”
    “Okay. Night, Carrie.” He handed her the licorice. “Don’t think I like this.”
    “Just remember a taste for something different takes time and exposure. Night.”
    Tony leaned against the newel post. He arched a brow. “Your thought for the day?”
    Halfway up the steps, Chad stopped. “Carrie, what are you going to be for the party?”
    “It’s a surprise.” One guaranteed to catch Tony’s attention if her choice of a

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