A Little Undead

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Book: A Little Undead by Laira Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laira Evans
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there was a whole supernatural world hiding beneath the
seemingly normal surface everyone was used to was a shock and a half.
Well, normal except for zombies. In hindsight that probably should
have been a clue. “Is she a vamp?”
    “ If you can call someone
who devours souls a normal vampire, then sure. Listen I’m not
the guy to talk to. You want more information go find a vampire
hunter or something. The ones that lived longer than a month
generally knew what they were doing.”
    I really wished he wasn't so
close to my bed. This would have been the perfect time to collapse on
top of it and hide beneath the covers. 'I wonder if I'm supposed
to go offer my fealty to the queen. I’m sure a vampire hunter
would point me in the right direction before staking me.'
    I looked at the clock. '4:30.
I need to get to work.' As amazing as these revelations were, I
didn't want to lose my job. 'Choices, choices.' I really
didn't want to leave him tied up and alone in my apartment, but if I
let him go who knew what he might get up to. And as far as bringing
him to the police department... that might be unwise. No one would
believe him if he said I was a vampire, but if he turned into a wolf
while in jail or had them bring me close enough to him for my fangs
to pop out, well, I knew how that ended. No stake and pitchfork
wielding villagers or lab-coat wearing scientists cutting into my
body, no sirree. And that was assuming they didn't think I was just
some species of zombie and pop a bullet in my head. “Erm, one
last question. How long do werewolves live.”
    “ About a hundred years,
but we're healthy until at least eighty. And stop calling us
werewolves, we're lycans.”
    'Now he's just being silly.
Even if I'm not a huge fan of the genre I know those words mean the
same thing. Close enough, anyways.' Still, even if he was
pretentious and overly hateful towards vampires he probably wasn't
Mr. Chains, serial killer extraordinaire. It really didn't seem like
he was lying, which meant that given when his father died he was
probably too young or not even born at the time of the original case.
Even if it was possible that he didn't suffer from gray hairs like
the rest of humanity he really didn't act old enough to have
committed homicide over forty years ago.
    “ Have you ever worn a dog
collar?” I blushed, cheeks
burning from embarrassment.
    'Oops. Didn't mean to say
that out loud, even if it would look fetching on him.' He looked
like he had just swallowed a scoop of wasabi. “Forget I said
that.” Circling around the room to maintain my distance from
him I retrieved my taser. Reloading it with care I retook my spot at
the window. “So, wolf boy, if I let you go will you find it in
your heart to stop attacking me?” I was fairly certain he
wouldn't attack me again, at least not immediately. Still... 'This
might be a good time to start investing in silver, which will
hopefully hurt me less than it will hurt him.' It's not as if I
had ever liked garlic before, and I'd never understood the draw of
pizza, but if my response to garlic was this strong now it could
seriously affect my dining plans in the future. If it turned out the
myths about vampires and silver were true too then my future wedding
jewelry needed some serious reworking.
    Alex seemed to be growling under
his breath but he grudgingly gave his answer. “Fine, I'll stop
hunting you.” Weighing him with my eyes one last time I
gathered my courage and threw him the key for the handcuffs. As he
fumbled with the key I drew my handgun but only kept the taser locked
on him. I'd never fired it at a person before and didn't want to
start now, but it was better to be safe than sorry. Besides, even
though he charged me when I had the taser, he wasn't crazy enough to
rush someone with a real gun, was he?
    As he stood up I caught him
staring longingly towards the paper towels. Paper towels which I had
no intention of lowering my guard to hand to him. “You're
really strange,

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