A Kiss for Lady Mary

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Book: A Kiss for Lady Mary by Ella Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Quinn
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“Then I had to come and ruin everything.”
    Her gaze flew to him. “No, no, no, please don’t say that. Even if I have enjoyed Rose Hill, this plan was folly, and I must leave soon in any event. I need to find a husband or Gawain will still attempt to . . .” Her face turned a lovely shade of pink.
    Deuced strange that her father’s brother had been chosen as trustee. If the matter had ever been taken to court there would have been no problem having the man replaced. “I thought you couldn’t marry without your uncle’s permission?”
    She straightened her shoulders. “Once I am five and twenty, I will control my own fortune and may marry whomever I choose, and it will not be Gawain.” Then she frowned. “Unfortunately, that will not be for another year.”
    No, but Kit was not so green that he didn’t know very well that she must wed him or see her reputation ruined beyond repair. Her presence at Rose Hill could not be kept a secret forever, particularly with Lady Bellamny’s goddaughter knowing. “It seems to me that if you met the right gentleman, he would not care about your money.”
    She picked up her cup and drained it. “Be that as it may, I shall not give up what is mine.”
    He couldn’t disagree with her, nor would he try. “What happens if you marry without permission?”
    Lady Mary pressed her pretty lips together. “My fortune goes to my uncle.”
    A lesser woman might have given up long ago and married as her uncle wished. Of course, this explained why he hadn’t seen her for such a long time. He had always admired her beauty, now he respected her resolve and valiant nature. How odd that the Dowager Duchess of Bridgewater had chosen his estate, though it did meet all the requirements, being far from London and the prying eyes of the ton . Even stranger was Lady B’s involvement. If she had not told his grandmother, Lady Mary could have left here and he’d never have known. However, the most important part of what she’d said had to do with marriage.... “Do you have a gentleman in mind?”
    Her shoulders drooped. “No. I thought my grandmother would make up a list of suitable candidates, and perhaps my friends would help.”
    He opened his mouth, then closed it again. What he should do was demand she marry him. That, after all, would settle everyone’s problems. This whole scheme would cause a scandal for them both. In fact, under the circumstances it was inevitable. And since her heart was not engaged elsewhere, he need not worry that he would be breaking it. Still, something told him that she was not in the right frame of mind for a proposal, no matter how practical. The problem was, he couldn’t think of another way out of this mess than for them to wed. It appeared fate had neatly penned them in. Not that he minded all that much, given that he had been searching for her for years. But a nagging voice kept telling him it would behoove him to spend time getting to know her first.
    “I saw how well the house looked from the front; would you show me the changes you’ve made to the rest of the property? We could start with the gardens.”
    A line creased her forehead. “Are you sure you would not rather rest after your long journey?”
    Kit grinned and lifted her hand to his lips again. “I’m not at all tired, and I am rather interested to see what you’ve accomplished.”
    “If you insist.” She allowed him to place her hand on his arm. “We can go out this way. I just replanted the garden this spring. . . .”
    Lady Mary began detailing the repairs and changes she’d made. She certainly knew what she was doing, and appeared to be a sensible woman. Before long she would realize she had no choice but to marry him. It might not be a love match, yet she was not in love with anyone else, and he had not been able to get her off his mind. Kit could see them as a contented married couple. Perhaps in time they would grow to love each other. It would save him the bother of courting.

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