A Christmas Bride

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Book: A Christmas Bride by Hope Ramsay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hope Ramsay
the Jaybird a few days ago, and she was telling me how much she wanted to have her wedding reception at Eagle Hill Manor. I know you talked to David Lyndon about that. And I know he wasn’t very cooperative.
    “And all of that got me to thinking, especially since your cousin is putting the inn up for sale. It’s a great opportunity.” She handed him her business plan.
    “An opportunity for what?”
    “For investment. That’s a plan,” she said, nodding at the papers she’d put into his hands, “for renovating the inn and turning it into a wedding destination.” She continued on, gaining confidence as she gave him her three-minute summary of the opportunity, the equity position, and the expected ROI. Then she stared him right in the face and asked for a boatload of money. It was just as hard to ask for gigantic sums of money as it was to ask for smaller amounts. So she went big.
    Jefferson Talbert-Lyndon smiled at the figure and said, “Your reputation precedes you.”
    This was not what she’d expected to hear. She counted to five and made a show of reading the words on his shirt. If only she could be silly about this. Honesty had not worked for her. And she’d always been kind.
    The smile faded from his face. “You know, this is tempting, but my situation is complicated.”
    “Complicated how?”
    “I wasn’t talking about the business. The truth is, I’m not interested in investing in an inn. The failure rate for businesses like that is high. And the rate of return isn’t all that stellar either. To be honest, I would prefer to convince David to host the wedding. I shouldn’t have to buy him out to make that happen.”
    “I see. But David is unlikely to do that.”
    “I know. And that’s why Melissa and I have more or less decided to get married in Vegas. It’s easier all the way around.”
    “But that’s not what she wants, is it?”
    “She’s the one who suggested it. So, while I thank you for trying to help us solve this problem, the bottom line is that it’s cheaper and easier for us to elope than for me to buy an inn just to have a wedding reception. I’m sorry, Willow.” He handed the plan back to her.
    “No, keep the plan. Read it. You might change your mind.”
    She turned away, certain that Jefferson Talbert would never read her plan. She’d have to come up with some other idea for her future.
    *  *  *
    Since Shelly’s death, David negotiated his life by routine. Routine kept him from thinking too much and feeling too much. And not feeling was the best way to keep him away from that bottle of bourbon that lived in his bottom desk drawer at home. That bottle had taken a hit on Wednesday night, after Uncle Jamie’s party.
    But it was Friday now, and David was back in control of himself. And when noon arrived, he left his desk and took the five-block walk to Gracie’s Diner. Lunch was the anchor of his day.
    He was such a regular at the diner that Gracie unofficially reserved his favorite booth—the third from the door—and she always had his tuna sandwich on whole wheat toast with lettuce and tomato ready for him the moment he sat down.
    But today the routine changed. Instead of putting his sandwich in front of him with her usual bright smile, Gracie Teague hovered. And when Gracie hovered, it usually meant she had information to share. Gracie was the chair of the Liberty Avenue Chamber of Commerce and had her finger on the pulse of the community. She was like a living and breathing focus group, which made her enormously useful to anyone in local politics.
    “What’s up?” he asked.
    He expected Gracie to lean over and impart some important news, but instead she continued to hover with an uncertain look in her eye.
    “What’s the matter?” A heavy sense of dread settled into his gut.
    Gracie slipped into the booth’s facing bench and leaned in before she spoke. “Mr. Lyndon, you have no reason to do me any kind of favor. But here’s the thing. Melissa is like my own

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