A Certain Want of Reason

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Book: A Certain Want of Reason by Kate Dolan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Dolan
Tags: Romance
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the Samaritan’s Club?”
    “I cannot believe you would even dare to ask me that.” She made no move to sit.
    Edmund closed his eyes, waiting for her to continue.
    “You scampered across the floor on your knees and tried to bite Lord Mountdale.”
    I did bite him actually , Edmund wanted to say. But that would not fit with his pretense of having forgotten the whole affair. Instead, he simply nodded. “So I’ve been told.”
    “Is that all you are going to say?”
    “I do not exactly know what I can say. What does one say after making a faux pas of this magnitude?”
    “Well,” she tossed her head, “you could apologize, for a start.”
    “I apologize.”
    “For making a fool of me in front of the ton .”
    It seemed to Edmund that he was the one who had appeared the fool, but he said nothing.
    “I apologize.”
    Jeanne stalked over to the fireplace, then whirled around to face him. “Why on earth would you do such a thing? Whatever could have induced such behavior?”
    “Honestly, Jeanne, I don’t know. I believe I was drugged, in a sense.”
    “In a sense. A bad batch of homebrew.” He smiled apologetically.
    “ Humph . If that is the case, it is nearly as embarrassing as the rumors.”
    “Rumors?” He hoped his voice betrayed none of the hope he felt.
    “That you have gone mad. Surely you’ve heard?”
    “Yes.” Edmund forced a large sigh. “I have.”
    “Aunt Morris tells me there is no history of insanity in your family.” She took a few steps closer to him. “I’m not quite sure whether to believe her.”
    “How could you doubt the word of your aunt? She raised you from an infant.”
    “But in the matter of this…” Jeanne waved a grotesque flourish with her arm “With all evidence to the contrary…”
    “What evidence?” Edmund held up his hand to fend off her objection. She did indeed have evidence—he had made certain of that. “Never mind.” Then he slowed, made his voice hesitant and uncertain. “This was but one episode, one evening of, I will admit, less than exemplary behavior. It is not likely to happen again.” He did not promise, and was grateful that she did not ask him to.
    She walked closer to him, and he looked to the floor, stifling the urge to back away.
    “Edmund.” She leaned down to catch his gaze. “Please.”
    With reluctance, he looked into her eyes.
    “I am worried for you.”
    Worried about your reputation, you mean , he answered silently.
    “Aunt Morris has said she’s ready for us to set a date now.”
    “She is?” Edmund took a step back, fearing he might lose his balance.
    “Yes.” Jeanne followed him forward, a vapid tenderness oozing from her voice. “She thinks this is a temporary malady brought on by an absence of…well, I cannot explain fully, of course, but I did understand her meaning.”
    “Oh.” What can one say to that? And from one’s own bride-to-be, moreover.
    She somehow moved in even closer so that there was scarcely any space between them at all anymore. “I think I agree,” she said in a soft, husky voice that should have sent shivers of desire racing down his spine.
    Instead, the shivers were more closely aligned with revulsion.
    “Yes, well…” He inched away.
    “Shall I have her speak with your mother?”
    “Err, yes, I suppose. If you are certain that you are really ready.”
    “I am.” She inched closer still, her clear gray eyes staring deeply into his own. “And I do believe you are too.”
    Despite his revulsion, a part of Edmund wanted to reach out, fold Jeanne in the embrace that she so desperately seemed to want and ultimately fulfill the desire that Aunt Morris so brazenly hinted about.
    But then he’d be stuck with Jeanne through all eternity.
    That thought enabled him to continue his retreat across the room.
    “Yes, well, that’s…I suppose we’re all set, then.” He had never more fervently wished to be caught in a lie in his life. Something would have to

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