forty odd years ago. That’s ancient history as far as the citizens of this Province are concerned. I’ve been nosing around asking questions about Sammy Rice and I’m getting some strange reactions. It’s like Sammy has ceased to exist, which makes me believe that he really has ceased to exist. I need to know what you guys think.’ ‘I’m no longer in the loop on that. I don’t even know who’s going to take over this new serious crime squad. Have you heard anything?’ ‘The bush telegraph is quiet on that one. But back to Sammy. Gerry McGreary is busy encroaching into Sammy’s business and that couldn’t happen if he expected Sammy back sometime soon. You may be dropping the ball on the present but a territorial takeover without the associated crop of dead bodies would be a new feature of the Belfast crime landscape. Perhaps our criminals are maturing.’ Wilson started to laugh. ‘I wouldn’t bet on that one.’ ‘I like strange happenings and so does my editor. Strange happenings sell newspapers.’ ‘Personally, I’m not very keen on strange happenings.’ Wilson was thinking about the past week. There had been more than one strange happening. ‘I’ll ask around and if I hear anything I’ll be in touch. In the meantime, the two murdered men’s names are Cormac Mallon and Sean Lafferty, shot dead in 1974.’ McDevitt removed a small notebook from his pocket and made a big deal of writing the names. ‘Where do I sent the copies?’ Wilson took the notebook and pen from McDevitt’s hand. ‘This is my private email. Scan them and send them to me. Also if you have time, could you look for similar shootings around the same period?’ McDevitt pulled the notebook from Wilson’s grip. ‘Anything else?’ ‘Now that you ask . . .’ Wilson said.
Wilson wasn’t sleeping well but that was to be expected. Every time he turned in the bed he expected to find a body and when he didn’t his eyes popped open. He tried going to bed later and later each night but five o’clock was the latest he managed to sleep. His mind was racing as soon as he woke. He wanted to think that Jennings was behind his transfer to the task force, but he was beginning to doubt that conclusion. There was a whole Province in which to find him an appropriate position but he was put into the care of Chief Superintendent Sinclair and Sergeant Jackson. Why? He already decided that Jackson wasn’t a colleague; he was more of a minder. It was his second morning on the job and he was having musings that had no basis in fact. He got out of bed and looked at his watch, it was four thirty. Outside, day wasn’t even thinking of breaking across Belfast and he was wide awake and ready to go. He went to the cupboard and removed a pair of jogging pants, a tee shirt and a hoodie. He slipped quickly into the clothes and headed for the lift. Two minutes later he stood in the dark on Queen’s Quay and sucked in the sea air streaming down the Lagan. There was a threat of rain in the air as he tried to work out a suitable run. He decided to head out of the city in the direction of Titanic Quarter. He ran along the side of the Lagan and turned at the top of Queen’s Quay until he reached the Belfast Harbour Marina and on into Old Channel Road. As he ran along, he turned over in his mind the events that led to his break with Kate. He could easily blame it on the miscarriage, but even before they had lost the child he was afraid that neither was comfortable in the world of the other. The wind was blowing from the north east and directly into his face hitting him with a light spray of soft rain. He felt good for the first time in days and realised how important endorphins were in his life. His bad leg ached a little and he slowed the pace of his jog. He wondered what Kate was doing at that moment. Perhaps she was lying in bed thinking of him, but it was more likely that she would be at her desk planning her day