15 Paranormal Romance Collection Boxset- Billionaire Bad Boy

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Book: 15 Paranormal Romance Collection Boxset- Billionaire Bad Boy by Dark Mocco Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dark Mocco
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won't fuck you. There's a big difference. Do you know that?"
    The nod was slow but it was there. "Jed has already made love to you?"
    "Yes." She smiled. "Several times."
    "Was it nice?"
    "It was wonderful."
    The trip came to a close the next day when Jed and Jenny delivered the girls to town.
    Grace, Debbie and Marjorie giggled as they arranged themselves in a row next to the lead wagon.
    Marjorie brought Jed over to stand in front of her. “You’re the best man I’ve ever met. You saved Grace and Jenny and protected us when we needed it. We all want to give you something special. And, given that we’re almost fully grown women…,” She was interrupted by more giggles from the other two. “we thought it ought to be something appropriate. ”She stepped into him and kissed him with an open mouth and her slender body plastered against him.
    The kiss went on for a long time. Long enough for Jed to realize that her breasts were quite big enough and that she smelled and tasted good.
    Debbie was next. She brought along a small stool so she could be at eye-level with him. She kissed him thoroughly and added a motion with her chest that dragged her big breasts across him, back and forth, for as long as the kiss lasted.”
    Grace was last. She blushed when she stood in front of him. “The only thing that would be appropriate for thanking you has already been given by the other lady you rescued.” She put her hands on his cheeks and looked directly into his eyes. “I can only tell you that I will always remember you and think of you for the rest of my life. Is that enough?”
    Jed seemed to have something in his eye. He said, “Yes” in a very gravelly voice.
    She kissed him lightly on the lips then held her cheek against him for a few seconds.
    As they left, Jed turned to Jenny. “I have the uncomfortable feeling that I may never do anything as important as this in my entire life.”
    Jenny stopped her horse and leaned over to kiss him. “I think you still have some heroic acts inside you, big guy. Let’s go find out.” They rode off.

Chapter Ten
    Jenny and Jed met with Marshall Silverman. "Our other agents located Abe Townsend and his men in a ranch house outside town. You need to get inside and see if there's any printing equipment. Good luck. Maybe we can wrap this up tonight."
    They rode out to the ranch by the back way, through thick forest. Ten guards surrounded the main building. Jenny said, "Let's wait until dark and see if there are any gaps in their security."
    "Good idea."
    Agents who have been out for any length of time know that there will always be wait times. They plan ahead. Jenny brought a picnic lunch. During the two hours it took to get pitch black, they ate fried chicken and potato salad and talked.
    Jed told her about growing up in Montana and his path to law enforcement. About the girl who got away and the one who didn't, but died.
    Jenny explained how she got to be proficient with a pistol, and a knife and her father's role in shaping her life. They'd never had the chance to talk like this. Both were pleased with their common interests and experiences. They kissed once, because that was one of their common interests. Jed ran the back of his fingers down the front of her shirt. Jenny squeezed the pleasing package in the front of his pants.
    She took off the dress and stowed it in the empty picnic basket. Underneath, she wore black. He wore black already.
    They started down toward the ranch at three in the morning. The guards dozed, or wanted to, at their posts. It took very little effort to get past them.
    They stole quietly down a stairway to the basement. The counterfeiting equipment sat in illicit efficiency in a corner. The counterfeiters had good plates and a generous supply of real paper. Jed reached in his pants pocket and produced a stick of dynamite and a good length of fuse. He lit it and stuck it behind the press.
    Jenny said, "Let's have a fire first to get everyone out of the

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