You'll Say Yes

Read Online You'll Say Yes by Tri Amutia, Jovy Lim - Free Book Online

Book: You'll Say Yes by Tri Amutia, Jovy Lim Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tri Amutia, Jovy Lim
this." I took the plates to the dining table.
    "Well...Joshua asked me not to tell you," She sounded guilty.
    My body went rigid. "What?"
    "I didn't know what his motivation was, but I think he wanted to surprise you."
    I sighed. "What is it with Joshua and telling me the truth? I guess the two things work separately. And I hate surprises."
    Stella giggled. "It will be great, Abby. I'm on my way to Long Beach now. See you there."
    At the same time, Joshua appeared in the kitchen still in his T-shirt and pajama pants. His hair still unruly red that made him look sexier.
    He moaned. "Smells good."
    I froze.
    Stella gasped.
    "Abigail Annabel Bennett, who the hell is that?" Stella's voice raised two octaves.
    "Abby, are you having a sleep over at Joshua's?"
    Joshua looked at me.
    "Who is that?" He asked.
    I gulped. "It's Stella."
    He smirked and raised his hand, indicating for me to hand him the phone.
    "Hello, Stella...I'm fine, thank you...of course, I'll be there. I'm riding with Abby, by the way..." then he laughed. "No, Stella. It's not what you think. Abby was too tired to go home, so I offered her the guest room...I won't lie to, I won't take advantage of her...alright. See you there." He hung up the phone and gave it back to me.
    I scowled at him and tossed my phone on the kitchen counter. "So, high school reunion, huh?"
    Joshua grimaced. "I'm sorry. I had all the intentions to tell you, but I guess I had too many distractions."
    I huffed and sat at the dining table. "A high school reunion? I hate high school reunions."
    Joshua chuckled, and his face turned somber immediately.
    "Um...thank you for the blanket," He murmured.
    I turned to him as I took a bite of my sandwich. "No problem. I didn’t want you getting a cold." I smiled coyly. "So, am I still a somniloquist?"
    Joshua tensed and looked at me. "Abby..."
    "I still remember you telling everyone I was a sleep talker. Thank you for that and forget it! I'm not going to the reunion!"
    I grabbed my phone and headed to the guest room.
    "Abby, wait!" He shouted and rose from his seat.
    I grabbed my purse hastily and got out of the bedroom.
    "Abby, please listen to me!" He said while following me around his apartment.
    I turned to him with anger in my voice. "What the hell do you want from me, Joshua? I don't understand you. Why didn’t you tell me about this?"
    He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm sorry."
    "It's not enough!" I said, sternly. "You say sorry all the time, but you end up with repeat performances."
    His shoulders slumped and he raised his head to look at me. His hazel eyes were full with sadness. I braced myself not to fall for his charms. "I really wanted to tell you, honestly! Long Beach High is hosting the reunion. My father told me about this, and I really wanted to come with you, also this is my opportunity to meet with your parents."
    I raised my eyebrows. "My parents?"
    Joshua nodded slowly. "I want to talk about our...current...relationship."
    I threw my hands in the air. "Do you still want to keep this 'engagement' thing? I’m trying to get to know you again and telling me the truth could be a good start." My eyes narrowed. "Are you going to force me to marry you? It won't happen, Walsh!"
    Joshua sighed and laughed nervously. "I'm not going to force you to marry me. I just want a chance to prove myself to you that I'm worthy your love and hopefully become your husband. Well, technically, we’ve been engaged since we were kids.”
    Oh, joy! I've been engaged for almost nineteen years.
    I hung my head in my hands. "Oh, Lord!" And then I looked up to him again. He still stared at me with his piercing green eyes. I sighed. "I'm not going," I said again and turned to open the door.
    "I'm asking you to go as my date!"
    My hand stopped; my

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