Wives and Champions

Read Online Wives and Champions by Tina Martin - Free Book Online

Book: Wives and Champions by Tina Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Martin
Tags: Women's Fiction, Romantic, black romance, black love, african american ebooks
came out of nowhere and answered him.”
    Emily’s eyes brightened. “What did
Dimitrius say?”
    “ He just told him that
Grace was our daughter with the emphasis on our .” Melanie grinned and shook her
head. “But after Scott and his family walked away from us,
Dimitrius questioned me as to why I was even talking to Scott. Was
it wrong of me to talk to my ex? I was just trying not to be
    “ I would’ve been rude,”
Emily said. “Let’s look at the facts. Scott broke up with you when
you were at your lowest. I remember how your fertility issues took
a toll on you and when you confided to Scott about it, he took
off…didn’t even have the decency to break up with you like a man.
He left some bogus message on your voicemail. From my perspective,
you’re going above and beyond to be courteous to a man who was
discourteous and disloyal to you.”
    “ I agree with Emily,”
Sherita said.
    Melanie stood up, walked over to Grace
and moved her away from the electronics. “I don’t know why this
little girl is obsessed with DVD players and remotes.”
    “ And they put everything in
their mouths,” Emily said. “Wait until you hit that phase with
Celeste and Nolan, Sherita. You think you’re pulling your hair out
    “ Oh, I can hardly wait,”
Sherita said in a mildly sarcastic tone.
    Just then, they heard the guys, their
men, stepping inside, laughing about something.
    “ Here comes trouble,”
Melanie said, then laughed.
    Sherita smirked.
    Dante peeped around the door and said,
“Y’all done talking about us?” He smiled while walking into the
    Ezra went running to his father when
he heard Dante’s voice. Dante picked him up, kissed him on the
    Answering him, Emily said, “No, we’re
not done yet. Y’all go away for another hour or so.”
    “ No thanks,” Dimitrius
said, stepping inside, taking Grace from Melanie’s lap. “We have to
get going, sweetie?”
    “ What’s the rush?” Melanie
asked softly as she stood up.
    “ You’ll find out when we
get home,” Dimitrius said with a straight face, staring at her lips
before he took a long kiss from them.
    And then a smile grew on Melanie’s
face. “All right ladies. It’s been real.” Melanie walked over to
Sherita, gave her a hug and did the same with Emily before heading
to the door.
    “ Are you ready to go,
Sherita?” Desmond asked, leaning against the door frame.
    Sherita took a long look at him – sexy
as he could be and rugged – even in a pair of jeans and a
    “ Sure. We can go. Let me
put Nolan in his car seat.”
    “ I’ll do it,” he said,
stepping further into the room.
    “ No, I got it,” Sherita
said back.
    Desmond grimaced. How was he supposed
to help her when she refused help?

Chapter Six
    Desmond and Sherita secured the twins
in the back seat, then began the drive away from Dante’s house to
their own. Bright headlights carved a path in the darkness while
Celeste hummed sounds from the backseat. The commotion of leaving
must’ve woken her up. Or maybe it was the fact that she slept most
of the time while they were at Emily’s. Nolan, who was awake for
most of the night, was quiet now. Sleeping, no doubt.
    “ Sounds like somebody’s
up,” Desmond said, glancing to his right to get a quick look at
Sherita before returning his attention back to the road.
    “ It’s Celeste.”
    “ I know.”
    “ She slept for a long time
    He glanced over at Sherita again. He
wondered what thoughts ran through her mind. She looked tired,
still. He was hoping the time with her sisters-in-law would give
her a chance to unwind. Maybe it did. Maybe it didn’t. He couldn’t
decipher her mood currently, but what he did know is she was
everything he ever wanted in a woman. His attraction to her, in the
beginning, was sparked by her beautiful, stunning good looks, but
once he’d gotten to know her, he found out she was so much more
than her outward

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