
Read Online Wildflower by Prudence MacLeod - Free Book Online

Book: Wildflower by Prudence MacLeod Read Free Book Online
Authors: Prudence MacLeod
Tags: Gay, Photography, love, Lesbian, desire, dog, house, blonde, hotel, runner, wildflower
storm had passed, she settled him on the futon that doubled as her
bed then she went for tea.
    “Sorry to be such a puss,” he murmured shyly
as she handed him a mug of steaming liquid. “You are the only
person in the whole world I have ever let see me cry.”
    “My big macho man, care to talk about
    “It was truly ugly Hazel,” he sighed as he
took a sip of the soothing brew. “We were having dinner with Jack’s
sister and her husband. The husband had been drinking and he was
making a lot of ‘fag’ jokes. Both Jack and I were getting pretty
mad about it; then he made a crack about you and I freaked all over
him. I said if he ever tried to put a hand on you again I would
break his legs.
    “Well, as you might guess, that did it. She
started screaming, wanting to know what I was talking about. I told
her the truth, but he denied it and threatened to hit me. I said he
was welcome to try so he did.”
    “Oh my god Tommy,” gasped Hazel.
    “Yeah, well, it sort of got really weird from
there. I popped him one and he fell on his fat ass. She started
screaming again and tried to claw my eyes out. I pushed her away
then Jack hit me.”
    “Jack hit you?”
    “Keep your fucking hands off my sister or
I’ll break your neck,” was what he said as he knocked me down. I
got up and started to leave but she came at me again. I pushed her
back, and when Jack came at me I decked him good.”
    “Oh god, Tommy no...”
    “Yeah, he was just coming to when I drove
away,” sighed Tommy. “I’ve got as much of my stuff in the car as I
could carry and I’ve already cleaned out the bank account.”
    “Half the furniture and everything else there
is mine. If he wants his half of the money, he’ll have to cough up
the rest of my stuff.” He started to cry again and Hazel gathered
him back into her arms, crooning soothing sounds as she rocked him
    “Hazel, I’m so...”
    “Stop that now,” whispered Hazel. “You’re all
right my darling boy, Hazel’s got you.”
    Finally the storm passed and he sat back up
again. “I know I’m cramping your style here Hazel,” he sighed.
“I’ll find myself a new place in the morning.”
    “Won’t,” replied Hazel as she pulled him back
into her arms. “You’re staying with me until the dust settles.
We’ll buy an air mattress for you in the morning and afterwards I
can use it for camping. I’ve been wanting one anyway.”
    “I really appreciate this Hazel,” he smiled
weakly. “In all the world you’re the only one I can turn to when
I’m hurt. You’re the only one who really understands. I’m not a
violent person, but I will not allow myself to be hit, not by
    “Except by me,” giggled Hazel. “I remember
the night you kissed me and called me a lezzie. I really tried to
take your head off, but you made no attempt at all to stop me, you
just protected your face.”
    “Aw, that’s just because you hit like a
    “That’s it for you Tommy Reid, you jerk,” she
sniffed, pretending to be offended. “Just for that you’re sleeping
on the floor.”
    “Yes Ma’am,” he said contritely as he sat
back up again with a twinkle in his eye. Somehow, no matter what
happened, Hazel always made him feel better. “Gods Hazel, Jack and
I were together nearly three years, and in all that time he never
once tried to hit me, heck, he never even lost his temper before
    “Was Jack drinking too?”
    “He’d had a few beers with his brother in
law, but I never suspected in a million years that he would not
defend me. How can you do that Hazel? How can you pledge love to
someone forever then turn around and hit them? My parents argued
sometimes, but they certainly never hit each other or us. What
about your family?”
    “You know better than that Tommy,” she chided
gently as she rose to get more tea. “Dad is a stern man, but
although I was always afraid of his temper, and his strength, I
cannot remember a

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