What a Bear Needs (The Wild Side)

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Book: What a Bear Needs (The Wild Side) by Nikki Winter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Winter
fighter jet.”
    She rubbed her temples. “Why?”
    “Why what?”
    “Why do you want to spend a day with me?” Poor thing looked genuinely confused; as if it were beyond her comprehension. She had no idea did she? She reallydidn’t know.
    Rolling his shoulders, he retorted, “For all the reasons I just named and because I want to see if my theory is correct.”
    “And that would be…?”
    Maddox gave her his widest grin. “Whether or not my cock seeks you out like a drug dog hunting illegal contraband.”
    Her lips parted and he could see a response forming on her mouth but she shook her head and only questioned, “You’re not even going to ask about”—she waved a hand at the deer—“that?”
    He shrugged. “You planning on repeating those heinous offenses against nature on yours truly?”
    Her face reddened. “No.”
    “Well then I find myself uninterested in such things.” At least for now. Oh, he had manyquestions about this but at the moment, intuition told him that even uttering one would have her sprinting off and once again avoiding him. Couldn’t have that now could he? He’d play naïve, give her the innocent stare and when she was nice and placid, jump on her like a cougar with an unaware runner.
    Surprise briefly crossed her features. “Fine.”  
    With a smile, he stood and gripped the bottom of his tee. “Swear on your favorite pair of hiking boots.”
    A muscle leaped in her jaw.
    “I fucking swear on my favorite fucking pair of fucking hiking boots,” she ground out.
    So. Goddamn. Adorable. Maddox lifted his shirt and shrugged out of the soft cotton, not caring that she’d ruin it. When he looked up Cree was staring, mouth slightly ajar.
    Feeling self-conscience he frowned. “What?”
    She jumped. “Nothing.”
    “You were staring.”
    “So, why were you staring?” He covered his chest.
    Maddox started to panic a bit. “You can see it can’t you?” he accused.
    It was Cree’s turn to frown. “See what ?”
    Pausing, he realized she had no idea what he was talking about. “Nothing,” he muttered handing the shirt off to her.
    Her eyes roamed his face in clear suspicion as she took it. “Why are you twitching?”
    “Twitching? Who’s twitching? I’m not twitching,” Maddox adamantly denied.
    “You are,” she argued. “You’re twitching right now.”
    He cleared his throat, took a step back. “No, I’m not.”
    Head cocking, she took a step forward. “You are.”
    Maddox stuffed his hands down into the pockets of his jeans and tried to stay still under her silent observation. She wouldn’t spot it. She couldn’t . It was a birthmark, it had always looked like a birthmark despite its original origin and before she even figured it out—
    “Oooh,” Cree suddenly said. “You were afraid I’d see that.” She pointed to a spot on his abdomen.
    He looked down at said spot and sure enough, it was his birthmark. The birthmark that used to be something else. Scoffing, he went, “Wh-why would I be concerned about that? It’s—”
    “Where your third nipple used to be before you were finally able to get it removed, leaving behind a pear shaped scar?” she asked innocently.
    Maddox stared at her and she stared back. “I. Am. Going. To. Kill. Ransom.” Petty as it may have been, the small defect had been the bane of his existence as a cub and taking off his shirt in public for any reason led to torment, jokes, and nicknames that he dare not repeat for fear of a rage blackout. He’d sworn his brother to secrecy after getting it removed because honestly, it still made him very aware that he hadn’t always been so confident. 
    She snorted as she finally slid the t-shirt on, effectively blocking his view from the most incredible parts of her. “Why?”
    “Because that hairy, motherfu—”
    “Maddox,” she interrupted, stopping his tirade. “Consider yourself lucky that the only extra thing you got at birth was a

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