Web Design Bibliography

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Authors: Safari Books Online Content Team
text as though it were an image and how to interpret and use the elements together. Basic principles of graphic communication are introduced through case studies and examples in which the relationships between illustration and other creative disciplines are analysed and explored.
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    Basics Illustration 04: Global Contexts
    By Mark Wigan
    AVA Publishing, October 2009
    ISBN: 9782940439362
    184 pages, $29.95

    Comprehensive and inspiring, this book is packed with insightful and thought-provoking commentary. It introduces the concept of illustration as a form of language and visual communication, conveying ideas, messages and emotions for cultural consumption. It looks at the illustrator as the inventor of imaginary worlds from folklore, legends and myths to the immersive virtual worlds of the Internet, such as Second Life.
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    Basics Design 04: Image
    By Gavin Ambrose, Paul Harris
    AVA Publishing, September 2005
    ISBN: 9782940439102
    176 pages, $27.50

    This book examines the use of images as a fundamental component of graphic design. It discusses two basic issues: what images mean and how we can create them. Images can, quite literally, paint a thousand words. But understanding what they mean, when to use them and how to control them is becoming ever more crucial. A primer in basic semiotics, this book will unravel the often-complicated terminology associated with image reading. On a practical level, this volume will introduce some of the many ways in which images are created; from reportage photography to illustration, computer generation to iconography and computer and print manipulation.
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    Visible Signs (second edition)
    By David Crow
    AVA Publishing, October 2010
    ISBN: 9782940439805
    192 pages, $42.00

    Basic semiotic theories are taught in most art schools as part of a contextual studies program, but many students find it difficult to understand how these ideas might impact on their own practice. This book tackles this problem by explaining semiotic terms and theories in relation to visual communication, with illustrative examples taken from contemporary art and design. Concepts such as signs and signifiers, and language and speech are all explored within the framework of graphic design and fine art. This second edition includes 200 visuals created to illustrate the ideas discussed within the book.
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    Basics Advertising 02: Art Direction
    By Nik Mahon
    AVA Publishing, June 2010
    ISBN: 9782940439447
    184 pages, $27.50

    This book is a comprehensive guide to the role of the art director. It examines the key techniques, approaches and “secrets” involved in the development of creative advertising concepts. The book provides tips on how to use surprise, simplicity, provocation and visual drama to communicate the advertising message. It also explores the use of different graphic techniques and advertising media, from traditional formats to new and alternative channels of communication. The book even includes a section on finding employment as an art director, covering the process of putting a book together and approaching agencies.
    Read it on Safari Books Online ( http://bit.ly/YQ189V )
    Visual Communication
    By Jonathan Baldwin, Lucienne Roberts
    AVA Publishing, April 2006
    ISBN: 9782940447053
    102 pages, $42.00

    This book incorporates contextual essays that explore how cultural theory can be applied to the real-world practice of graphic design, and are discussed by designers such as Neville Brody, Michael Bierut and Joan Farrer. This title helps students to develop sound critical judgment and informed strategies for the conception of new ideas that accurately reflect the current zeitgeist.
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