Warning Signs (Broken Promises #2)

Read Online Warning Signs (Broken Promises #2) by Alexandra Moore - Free Book Online

Book: Warning Signs (Broken Promises #2) by Alexandra Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexandra Moore
surprised my neighbors didn’t say anything. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door, and Professor Long ripped me up from the floor, pulling my arm behind my back as he led me toward the door.
    “Answer it and act as if I’m not here. If you don’t, I’ll break your pretty little arm.”
    I sucked up all my tears and opened the door to see the worst possible person to lie to: Splinter.
    “Hey, what’s wrong?” I forced a smile and shook my head with a small laugh.
    “Nothing’s wrong. I’m fine.”
    “You look like you’ve been crying and your dress is messed up.”
    “Oh this? It’s been a mess all night.”
    “Bea, you’re lying. Why is it so—?”
    Professor Long yanked on my arm, and I had to sway a certain way to keep my balance.
    “Splinter, what do you need? I need to get to bed. Classes tomorrow. Start of midterms. The usual.”
    He pursed his lips, as if he was questioning the validity of my statement. “Where’s Roscoe?”
    “He’s in my bed asleep.”
    “Really? ROSCOE! COME HERE, BOY!” Splinter forced himself into my apartment, and the ruckus we created woke people up and brought them into the hall.
    Before I realized what was happening, Professor Long let go of my arm and rushed at Splinter, who started punching his assailant. I heard screaming. It took a moment to realize I was the one screaming. All I could do was stand there and cry, yell, and shout while some of the neighbors came and tried to break up the fight. Two older women came and worked to calm me down until the police and ambulance showed up. None of these people knew me, but that didn’t matter. They saw me in trouble and they helped. While my faith in humanity was pretty lacking, they made me see something better amidst all the chaos. When the police came and EMTs were treating to Splinter’s injuries, camera crews began to show up. So did my brother. He walked past them like they were invisible to him, rushed toward me, and wrapped me in a secure embrace.
    “What the hell happened?” he asked me in a worried tone. I hadn’t ever heard him sound so worried before.
    “A lot. A lot happened.” I began to cry silently on his shoulder.
    “What happened at this local apartment building on Halloween night has created quite the stir. Bea Morrison, younger sister of famed singer Ben Morrison of alt rock band Eden Sank, was allegedly attacked when she returned to her apartment after attending a party in New York with her brother and a former band member of Eden Sank, Splinter Nightingale. Nightingale stopped to return something she had left in the car they had shared, and happened upon the scene. Soon a scuffle broke out, and local tenants stepped in to help. No comment yet from the local police, the Morrison family, or Nightingale. Here we have a witness—”
    “Bea, are you sure you’re okay?” Ben came in right as I turned the TV off. The news was the only thing I could stand to watch, but all they talked about was tragic crap. The end to my perfect Halloween happened to be one of those tragic piece of crap stories they couldn’t get enough of.
    “Yes, for the thousandth time, I’m okay,” I told him as I pulled my sweater further over my shoulder. I shuffled the remote between resting on the arm of the chair, gripped tightly in my hand, and lying in my lap. I had to keep moving. Like a shark, if I stopped I’d die. At least, that’s how it felt. I had to keep swimming, because I was head deep under water.
    “I’m worried, that’s all.” Ben couldn’t hide his worry. It had begun to age him. Between our mother and all the crap I put this family through, it wasn’t much of a surprise to see a few soft creases in his forehead, and little lines etched in the corners of his eyes. He looked perpetually tired and nervous. I didn’t blame him one bit. Though the anxiety thing was getting to me.
    “All we do is worry in this family. Now please tell me I can go back to my apartment

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