Viper Team Seven (The Viper Team Seven Series Book 1)

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Book: Viper Team Seven (The Viper Team Seven Series Book 1) by Rykar Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rykar Lewis
Marines from the rear. Knowing there was no time to fire first, Parks
leaped on the Marine, taking the bullet for him in the left shoulder. The wound
was serious, and the onsite corpsman had instructed Parks not to move or he’d
most likely bleed to death. But being a dedicated Marine Officer, Parks knew he
had to lead his men. So he ordered the corpsman to patch him up, and continued
the fight with just one good arm. In the end, he led his company to a
successful operation.
    From there the
battalion was sent back to the United States, and Parks was awarded the Medal
of Honor by the Commandant of the Marine Corps himself, by delegation of the
President, and the Purple Heart for being wounded in the shoulder. He was one
of the few men to receive the Medal of Honor and live to tell about it. Parks
went on to be a highly decorated combat Marine, and today he had become a field
grade officer.
    After everybody
had said “Oorah” and “Semper Fi,” Parks walked out of the office to his white,
Ford F-350, dually, Super Duty, to grab some lunch and call his parents.
Everyone in the company envied his truck. He had just recently bought it for a
present to himself on his birthday. He didn’t really need a truck that size,
but he had the money to spend on it, so why not? Parks wasn’t a rich man, but
he was fairly well off. He had about $100,000 in savings, most of which he’d
earned from the gold he’d just cashed in for well over $1,200 an ounce. He
wasn’t a businessman, or some expert money maker, just a Marine trying to serve
his country. And if he made a dollar or two on the side, great, but money was
not something he greatly sought after.
speed-dialed his parents on his cell phone. His dad had so badly wanted to see
his promotion ceremony, but things just hadn’t worked out for him to attend. Parks’
parents lived in northern Nevada, so it would have been quite a trip for them
to come all the way to North Carolina. So his dad had to settle for a phone
call right after the ceremony instead.
    “Hello Keith,” his
dad answered happily after a couple of rings.
    “Hey Dad, how’s
it going?”
    “Just fine.
How’d it go?”
    “Great. Just
like the other promotions before it, only now I came out wearing golden oak
leaves on my collar,” Parks explained.
I wish I could have been there.” There was a slight pause then, “Any word on
what base they’re going to move you to?”
    Parks’ three-year
assignment had expired with the 4th MEB, and he was waiting for his monitor to
tell him where he was going to move to next. “Naw, nothin’ yet. I should know
soon though,” Parks said.
    “Where do you
hope you go?”
    Parks cleared
his throat and then responded, “Malmstrom Air Force Base in Great Falls, Montana.”
    Parks was raised
in Montana, and he loved everything about the state. He liked the hard winters,
the cooler summers, the blue skies, the great hunting, and most of all, the
open spaces. He had been eleven years old when his family had moved to Montana. It was shortly after his older brother’s death that his dad retired from the
Marine Corps as a sergeant major with over twenty-five years under his belt.
After his brother’s funeral, his dad and mom had decided that they were done
with the military, and wanted to settle down in the Big Sky Country. They’d be
there still, but after Parks left to join the Marines and they got a little older,
they agreed that the cold winters were not pleasant. So they decided Nevada was the place for them. Parks still didn’t fully understand why they had chosen that
state of all places, but they enjoyed living there.
    “I bet you do,”
his dad responded. “You sure loved the place when we lived there.”
    “Yeah I did. I guess
the Air Force has some new Joint Missile Defense Task Force going under way,
and they need a few Marines on board. I fit the qualifications pretty well, but
we’ll see.”
    “I’m sure you’ll
get to

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