Victorian Vigilantes 01 - Saving Grace

Read Online Victorian Vigilantes 01 - Saving Grace by Wendy Soliman - Free Book Online

Book: Victorian Vigilantes 01 - Saving Grace by Wendy Soliman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wendy Soliman
pacing three steps one way, then three the other—the maximum movement the limited space permitted. “But where?”
    There was a newspaper on the narrow bed, several days old, open at the situations vacant page. William snatched it up and perused the positions on offer. Almost immediately his eyes alighted on the requirement for an educated lady. William rolled up the paper and smacked it against his thigh.
    “Come along,” he said, striding from the room. “I’ll wager I know precisely where my wife went to today, and why.”
    So animated was he, that William no longer cared if he looked like a cuckold, incapable of controlling his own wife. He would go to the address shown in the advertisement and find out who had been advertising for an educated lady to carry out organisational duties. He especially wished to know what those duties were.
    That was where he would find his Eva.
    Isaac and Jake excused themselves and moved to one side of the room, leaving Lady Eva seated beside the fire.
    “We can’t ask her to do it, Jake,” Isaac said firmly. “She has been through enough already. Besides, she’s petrified of her husband and he will beat her to within an inch of her life if she goes back to him.”
    “Greater considerations are at stake here, Isaac.” Jake grimaced. “I know you’re taken with her, and I don’t blame you for that. I felt the same way when I first saw her six years ago but—”
    “No buts, Jake. We will just have to use Franklin to rescue her child and get the information we need from Woodstock.”
    “Isaac, no matter the sorry of state of her marriage, she is still married.”
    Isaac snorted. “You think I am likely to forget that?”
    “I think…well, that you are not thinking coherently.” Isaac simply fixed his friend with a steely gaze. “All right.” Jake threw up his hands and sighed. “We’ll do things your way, but first I have to answer her question. I suppose I could invent some plausible story for bringing her here.”
    “Invention is what you excel at, Jake. It is one of the reasons why the Home Secretary thinks so highly of you. When it comes down to it, you’re a spy and spies learn to be economical with the truth from the word go, otherwise they wouldn’t last long in their chosen career.”
    They both glanced towards Lady Eva. The disappointment reflected in her eyes reignited Isaac’s protective instincts.
    “You can see just from looking at her that deception is now all she expects from life. I can’t stand it.” Isaac clenched his fists, truly impassioned. “She has become conditioned to it, being married to that ogre, and expects the same thing from us. But unlike Woodstock, we are gentlemen and simply can’t do it to her.”
    “All right.” Jake clapped Isaac’s shoulder. “I shall find another way, but in return I need you to remain focused on the mission, not Lady Eva.”
    They returned to their seats.
    “Yes, Lady Eva,” Jake said. “To answer your earlier question, that is precisely why I brought you here.”
    She swallowed. “Thank you for your honesty, at least.”
    “But since hearing the truth about the state of your marriage I have had a change of heart. I do not believe you can help me after all.”
    She elevated one brow. “You expect me to believe that?”
    “No, I can quite understand why you would still be suspicious. Will you at least accept my apology?” Jake spread his hands and sent her a charming smile. “In my line of work it is sometimes easy to overlook peoples’ feelings for the sake of the greater good.”
    Isaac could see that Jake’s candour had taken her by surprise and she didn’t quite know how to answer him. The air between the three of them was taut with a tension Isaac would give much to know how to dispel. Lady Eva happened to glance his way, their gazes clashed and the crystalline silence intensified. Isaac cleared his throat but didn’t attempt to speak. It was Lady Eva who found

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