Vampire - In the Beginning (Vampire Series Book 1)

Read Online Vampire - In the Beginning (Vampire Series Book 1) by Charmain Marie Mitchell - Free Book Online

Book: Vampire - In the Beginning (Vampire Series Book 1) by Charmain Marie Mitchell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charmain Marie Mitchell
to live.  Yes, I had selfishly taken a human life, and there was no excuse, but now, just maybe, I could find a reason to live?  The guilt I felt, a feeling that would remain with me, was a human reaction, and as long as I felt that guilt, I knew I would not be able to take another human life.
    I pulled my journal towards me and started to read.  When I had finished I closed my eyes with a sigh, and I knew I would continue with the tale of my long life, it was a story that needed to be told.  I needed the world to know the truth, and I needed to know the truth, because for the first time in a long time, I was finding Gwen - the real me.
    So once more, we begin...
    Part One
    Chapter Two
    Robert softly enters my bedchamber; even with the velvet drapes drawn around the bed, I know it is he.  Although I am a young, inexperienced, and newly transformed vampire, my senses are astronomical when compared to when I was human.
    Sights, smells, feelings, everything is so much more intense.  Colours are brighter, life is sweeter, and in fact, just everything is amazing.  My senses are now so finely tuned, that I recognise Robert by the sound of his tread, his breathing, even the faint taste of his scent that seems to float on the air.  I have the intoxicating feeling of invincibility, and although I am in truth dead, I have never felt so alive.
    "Boo!" Robert's head appears around the curtain, his smile, as always, hypnotic and mesmerizing.
    "I knew it was you!" I said, poking my tongue out, and faking disdain by turning my back on him.
    "Oh, did you indeed?"  Although my back was to him, I could hear the smile in his voice.  The bed dipped as he climbed in beside me, I could feel his cold breath on my neck, and my body trembled in response to him.
    "Well," Robert whispered into my ear, "Did you know I was going to do this?"  His tongue slivered a delicious line along my neck. "Or this?"  His voice deepened as he pierced my skin with his elongated and exquisite fangs.  I sighed in ecstasy; nothing could have ever prepared me for the exquisite feeling of making love with a vampire.  The giving and receiving of blood, two bodies entwined, emotionally and physically, combined with the heightened awareness of being a vampire, arousing emotions that can only be described, quite hypocritically, as heavenly.  I had voiced this thought to Robert a few days earlier, and he had laughed his deep throaty laugh, and said, "Oh but thou knowest not what thou sayest!"
    "And my love, did you know I was going to do this?" Robert asked as he thrust his body into mine.  I screamed with joy, and joined him in our mutual pleasure, love, life, blood, and power, building into a climax of ecstasy.
    A few hours later, lying in Roberts’s arms, my pleasure still sweet but fading, I asked him the question that I had asked him every day since I had become a vampire.
    "Can I see him today?"  His sigh answered my question before he had even voiced it.
    "She'll not allow it, Gwen."
    I jumped out of the bed.  I had known that he would answer me in this way, no matter how I asked, begged, and cried, his answer was always the same.  I paced the bedchamber, irritation causing my movements to feel aggravated and clumsy.  I turned to face Robert, anger visible in my stance and the blaze of my eyes. "But why not?  He is my son, Robert!"
    He remained quiet, watching me as I paced up and down, his eyes, as always, lazy and unconcerned.
    "Because, Gwen," he said quietly, "Because you agreed that Henry would become Matilda's child."
    I once again stopped my pacing, which I had resumed, and turned towards him.  "But he is her child!  That’s quite clear, is it not.....I have not even seen him, I have not seen my SON, I just want to see him, to touch him, surely that is understandable...Please, Robert, Please..."
    He arose from the bed and walked, gloriously beautiful and naked, towards me.

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