Valley Of Glamorgan

Read Online Valley Of Glamorgan by Julie Eads - Free Book Online

Book: Valley Of Glamorgan by Julie Eads Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julie Eads
Tags: Animals, Royal, Shapeshifers, fantasy 2014 new release
lying. I will never lie to you and I haven’t. I expect
nothing but the same from you,” he commanded, appearing to look
five feet taller than he actually was. I felt as if I could hear
the lion roaring in his voice.
    Holding my head in shame, like a child I
knew he was right, so turning to him I said, “From now on I will be
totally honest with you.”
    He simply nodded his head, saying, “We need
to find a place for you to rest while I go and pick up the car. You
cannot travel on with me with your feet to badly hurt.”
    Suddenly I started to panic; I didn’t want
to be left alone, not when there were people out there who were
looking for me and who wanted me dead. “Couldn’t you carry me?” I
quickly asked him.
    He could obviously sense the shakiness in my
voice, but kept his composure as he told me, “I could carry you,
but if I need to phase because of danger you would not be
    Desperately I searched my mind for some
excuse as to why he would have to take me with him, but I knew that
it was useless. Looking round I searched for a good spot where he
could leave me hidden. Pointing behind me I said, “I guess you
could leave me in that store over there.” And looking to where I
had pointed, Knoll saw a hardware store. Its sign had letters
blinking, like those on a hotel, and it read, ‘Harold’s Hardware:
Open 24 hours; for your convenience.’ I chuckled and couldn’t help
but ask, “What kind of person is out driving around at three in the
morning and says, “Hey, I think I’ll pop into Harold’s and pick up
some nails?”
    Maybe I had laughed a little too loud as I
suddenly sensed Knoll was in a funny mood. Looking at me he simply
said, “I am not sure Mina, but I am grateful, as you should be,
that there is a warm place I can leave you in. That way you will
not have to sit out here and freeze any longer.”
    Silently I nodded in acknowledgement,
looking at his face as he picked me up in his arms and began
carrying me towards the store. Softly I spoke so only he could hear
me. “Always the optimist,” I said, chuckling a little
    Despite his mood Knoll smiled and went on
carrying me. The warmth from his body was surprising, especially as
it was below freezing outside. When I told him that he felt so warm
he just responded, “Yes; another perk of having the animal inside
    Laughing, I told him that sounded like
something a crazy person would say. But he mustn’t have got the
joke as he remained silent until we reached the sliding doors of
the store. Carefully setting me down he told me to go inside and
find a place to sit. I tried to stifle a laugh as he stressed,
“Mina, do not talk to strangers; and if anyone asks, your car broke
down and your father walked the rest of the way to get someone to
fix it. I will be no longer than an hour.” And with one last look
he turned and walked away without saying another word.
    Turning quickly I walked into the store,
thankful for the blast of hot air that blew through my hair as I
entered. There was a young girl, probably about my age, working the
door and greeting people. She was sitting on a stool reading a
magazine but as I started to walk past her she put the magazine
down and jumped down from the stool.
    “Hello,” she said, “Welcome to Harold’s
Hardware Store. How may I assist you and your hardware needs
    Whilst I appreciated that she was being so
accommodating all I wanted to do was find a place to rest so I
simply replied, “Hello, I’m Carmina. My father and I were driving
through town but our car has broken down. We have had to walk a
long way,” and I pointed to my bare foot. Looking at it she
grimaced as I continued, “I need a place to hang out and rest until
he gets back.”
    Smiling she led me to an aisle that held
outside furniture before kindly saying, ‘You can rest here until
your father comes for you.”
    In some respects I was taken aback by her
generosity. “Thank you,” I called out

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