been foolish enough to believe it was all little stuff that didn’t amount to much. Still, she should have known. No one could afford the kind of lifestyle Anthony enjoyed back then. He had hated being poor with a passion and promised her they would never wonder where their next meal would come from once he grew up. She had refused his support and made her own way, but he kept pushing until she met and married Kian.
    Evie licked her lips. “Don’t hey cuz me, Anthony Paine. The FBI is looking for you, and you know it. Why did you break out?”
    “I came for you.”
    “That’s why you shot up my job?” She spoke like she’d seen that type of thing every day, but despite their upbringing, she had been somewhat sheltered. Before Anthony shot Brad, no one could have convinced her he was capable of it or that he owned a gun. “I don’t know why you’re looking for me, but just leave me out of your decisions. It cost me enough, and I’m rebuilding my life.”
    He sneered and pushed off the door to approach her. She took a step back, but he grabbed her arm. The pressure from his hold hurt, and she noticed for the first time in the last two years, he’d bulked up. She tried to pull out of his grasp, but he held on.
    “You call working for that snitch rebuilding? I was glad to hear you divorced the cop, but then you go backward. Are you fucking him too?”
    “That’s none of your business.”
    “I’m making it my business.” He slid his hand from her arm to the back of her neck and compelled her toward the rear of the store. “I promised you I’d look out for you, and you’re the only family I have now that your dad has passed and your mom is in a home. I paid her bills up for the year, by the way.”
    She glared at him. “I was handling it.”
    “And now I am.”
    Evie weighed her options. If she didn’t scream or get away somehow, she might be in real trouble. She stomped Anthony’s foot, and he groaned then hauled her off her feet. “Don’t be stupid, Evie.” He pulled his jacket back, and she saw the gun. She nearly threw up in her mouth.
    “Y-you’re not going to shoot me.”
    “No, but I will shoot anybody who gets in my way. If you keep me here, I’m thinking your ex will be along in a little while. Do you hate him enough for me to shoot him?”
    Hate Kian? That was the problem. She didn’t hate him, but she had no intention of telling Anthony that. “Don’t do this, Anthony. You’re in enough trouble. You can’t kill the police. They’ll shoot you on sight, and what about me? Who will I have when you’re gone?”
    He smiled. “That’s what I’m saying. Now come on.”
    They moved through the rear of the grocery store, Anthony pulling her behind stacks of boxes when someone came near. Before she knew it, they had reached the loading dock. An eighteen-wheeler with the grocery store’s name on the side was parked in front of the wide door, but enough room remained for them to jump down to the ground. When her cousin pushed her toward the opening, her cell phone rang. He paused and jerked it from her hands to look at the screen. He smiled and held it up for her to see. Kian phoned.
    Anthony chuckled. “I was stupid the last time letting him catch me, but I’m not going back in. I should answer and tell him that. Naw, better to have him wondering. I should have already put a bullet in his head.”
    He threw the phone across the cement floor, and she heard the screen shatter. Her legs gave, but he hauled her to her feet. As soon as they jumped down to the ground, she spotted the car waiting. She searched her mind for words that would get him to let her go.
    “Anthony, um, Kian and I were thinking of getting back together. That’s why I stayed with him instead of going to a safe house. I know you want me to be happy, and I’m happy with him. Please, just let me go. I won’t tell anyone you were here. I’ll tell him I dropped my phone, and that’s why I didn’t answer.”
    He glared

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