
Read Online Unveiled by Colleen Quinn - Free Book Online

Book: Unveiled by Colleen Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Colleen Quinn
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical, Cape May (N.J.)
slowly awakening, and she strolled forward, whistling in pure innocence.
    “Fan! I was worried about you,” Bertrice said, obviously relieved. “I awoke a few minutes ago and you were nowhere in sight.”
    “I was walking,” Katie said, managing to hide her laughter. “In fact, you all must come. I thought I saw a dolphin.”
    “A dolphin!” Even the Misses Mitchell were excited, and for once Margaret had no sarcastic comments. Snatching up their robes, the girls then donned them and ran down to the water’s edge to admire the creature.
    Katie hid her laughter as Christopher looked up, obviously startled by his unexpected company. He glanced quickly to the shore and saw that his clothes had disappeared. Hearing feminine giggles, he could do nothing but stand waist-deep in the water while the girls tittered in embarrassment.
    “Why, it’s Mr. Scott!” Katie cried out innocently. “I didn’t recognize you without your cravat.”
    The girls hid their faces and laughed while her eyes boldly met his. A slow smile came to his face as he quickly envisioned what had happened, and who was behind it. Sketching a bow that was not as graceful as it might have been under other circumstances, he braced his hands on his hips and gave them a bright smile, determined to make the best of the situation.
    “Good afternoon, ladies. I would invite you in, but I think Godey’s would frown on that, don’t you?”
    Bertrice nearly fainted with embarrassment while the Misses Mitchell dissolved into laughter. Katie grinned, then waved her hand.
    “Why don’t you join us, then? We don’t mind the company.” She gave him a smile as brilliant as his own, her face a study in innocence.
    “Why, I think I will.” He started to walk toward the shore, then stopped when Bertrice began fanning herself as if she really would faint. “I’m just joking, ladies, though it may come to pass if I have to stay here much longer. I’ll be wrinkled through to the knees.”
    The girls laughed, then, red-faced, ran toward the beach where the picnic awaited. “Miss Pemberton!” Christopher called. There was something in his voice that made Katie stop and she turned, looking at him with such a droll expression that he had to laugh himself. “Where are my clothes?”
    “I don’t have the faintest idea,” Katie said, widening her eyes. “And I have to join my friends—”
    “Get them,” he said sternly. “Or I will come out now. And that will make two scandals for Fan Pemberton.”
    Katie sighed, then retrieved his clothes and tossed them on the beach. Running away without looking back, she heard his laughter behind her, but she didn’t care in the least. She’d won this round, and it was worth every risk to see the confident Mr. Scott become uneasy, even for a moment.

    K atie was still chuckling when she came down to dinner that night. Every time she pictured Christopher in the water, and his expression when he realized she’d taken his clothes, she couldn’t help but laugh. Although she’d never admit it, a part of her had been a little distracted by his very masculine form. No armchair philosopher, he evidently led a vigorous life and it showed. A surge of feminine excitement tingled through her as she envisioned him in the ocean, his lean body only partially concealed by the gray-blue water. Stop it, she told herself. The fool was conceited enough without her admiring him. Still, to see him discomfited was worth any price.
    “That dress is lovely, Fan. The blue really sets off your eyes and hair,” Ella said with a fond glance at her niece. She indicated a chair. “I must say you’ve enjoyed your outing today. I’ve never seen you in such high spirits.”
    Katie smiled softly as she took the seat. It was getting easier and easier to think of herself as Fan Pemberton, and she found that she responded to that name almost as quickly as she would to her own. “We had a great time. I saw Mr. Scott today in the ocean. I

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