
Read Online Unstoppable by Scott Hildreth - Free Book Online

Book: Unstoppable by Scott Hildreth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scott Hildreth
want to beat the shit out of him. He chooses to be a clown; crippled people and midgets can’t help it.
    Fucking clowns.
    As I reached for the hand controls on my bike, I noticed my hands shaking. I extended my fingers flat and tried to steady it, but it shook uncontrollably.
    “You alright?” Dekk asked as he stood between his bike and mine, staring at my hand as it shook.
    “Fuck no, I’m not alright. That fucker just slid by where we were sittin’. No warning, no nothing. Just a fucking head rollin’ by in a chair. Seriously, that’s fucked up,” I clenched my jaw muscles and stared into the parking lot.
    “Let’s go down to dirty sixth and hang out in a bar. The Jackelope. How’s that sound?” I asked as I gripped the throttle on my bike.
    “You know there’s nothing they can do about it,” Dekk sighed.
    “Don’t even fuckin’ start. You know how I feel. Been this way since I was a kid. That shit creeps me out. They’re like fucking spiders,” I said as I turned on the ignition and fired up the bike.
    Dekk shook his head and slowly walked his swaggering ass over to where his bike was parked.
    “Want to go to Dirty sixth? Jackalope?” I hollered over the sound of the exhaust.
    Dekk threw his leg over the seat and fired up his bike. As his engine warmed up, he turned and nodded my direction.
    Great. Let’s get the fuck out of here.
    Most people see me, meet me, or hear my slow Texas manner of speaking, and they assume I am stupid. In fact, I’m far from it. I received a full ride scholarship to college, and it wasn’t what most would have guessed that got me there. Academics. An academic scholarship for a guy built like a linebacker. Go figure.
    I never really cared for sports, not with my heart. I don’t look at boxing as a sport, per se. It’s not what drives me to compete and excel. Beating another man’s ass is what fuels me. Winning a one on one competition lets me know it’s me and me alone that won the contest, the fight, the competition, the match. No one else. Win or lose, it’s all mine.
    Naturally intelligent, and as mean as a snake. An odd combination, but that’s who I am. As smart as I am, I have never been able to determine why I felt the way I did about crippled people and midgets. It bothers me and I know it’s wrong, but I can’t change it. I can’t really accept it either.
    I grabbed a handful of throttle and closed the gap between Dekk’s bike and mine. As we sped down the highway toward downtown, it dawned on me. I was doing what I’ve done pretty much my entire life.
    Getting a real job.
    Facing my fears.
    I was running.
    Hell, maybe I’m a little bit smarter than I look.

    RIPP. “You seriously are going to say you like someone based on their looks alone,” Dekk looked over his shoulder, studied her for a minute, and slowly turned back to face me.
    “Dude, don’t stare, you’ll freak her out,” I whispered.
    “I wasn’t staring, I just looked. You told me to,” he whispered back.
    “Well, what did you think? And I didn’t say I liked her. I said I liked looking at her and watching her walk. Wait till she walks again, I’ll tell ya. Dude. Dude . She’s fucking smoking ,” I slowly shook my head from side to side as I watched her walk toward her girlfriends.
    “She’s beautiful, no doubt about it. But people are more than their looks alone. She could be an awful person,” Dekk rubbed the sides of his face with his hands.
    “And she could be a humanitarian. That’s my point, I want to find out,” I nodded my head in her direction.
    “You’re like a two hundred-fifty pound kid,” Dekk sighed.
    “Two-thirty. And yeah, we all are. Or at least, we should be. I like being a kid. Holy fuck, dude, look at her calves when she walks,” I nodded my head in her direction again.
    Generally speaking, I am a good judge of character. I don’t know if it makes me a good boxer, or if being a good boxer has helped me be a good judge of

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