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Book: Unknown by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
being a single mother, and here you are taking it on yourself to take up where she left off.'
    'That's my choice,' she said. Her tone was decisive. It wasn't up for argument, and she wanted Mark to realise that. 'I don't see that I have any option. He's my nephew, my flesh and blood. I'm going to take care of him, and that's an end to it.'
    'You realise that your sister might not be able to walk again? Are you going to take on his care for the foreseeable future?'
    She looked at him directly. Did he have to remind her of that? As if she didn't know it well enough already. 'If it comes to that then, yes, I will.'
    His lips firmed. 'I really don't think you've given yourself time to think this through.'
    'I've made my decision,' she said. 'It isn't up for discussion. I'm going to take care of him.'
    She picked up a chart and glanced at the details on it. 'I'm going to find my first patient,' she said. 'Excuse me.'
    He didn't argue with her, and Sarah tried to lose herself in her work. It was difficult because her mind kept straying to her sister and Jamie, and then to Ryan, and she had to keep making herself refocus.
    Shaun Blake, the senior house officer who was on duty with her that day, came and found her when she was on a break. He said, 'I was sorry to hear about your sister and her boyfriend. I can't imagine what you're going through. If there's anything I can do to help, I hope you'll let me know.'
    'Thanks, Shaun.' Her eyes misted over momentarily. 'You're right. It is hard to bear, but I've found that I'd rather keep busy than sit around waiting for something to change.'
    She glanced at him. They had differences of opinion from time to time, but she respected him as a doctor and she said, 'I heard that you had landed a research post that starts once you've finished your stint here. I'm really glad for you.'
    'Thanks.' He gave a fleeting smile. 'I hope I can make something of my sponsorship. We're looking into ways of treating coma patients, and I suppose that would be particularly relevant, given that your sister's boyfriend is in that situation right now. I wish there was more that we could do for him.'
    She nodded. 'So do I.' She was pensive for a moment, then she added quietly, 'There was talk of cele brating your achievement. Some of the nurses mentioned a get-together of some sort.'
    'Yes.. .In fact, it's all been arranged. I was a bit wary to begin with because Mark's father suggested that he should take over and organise the celebration, and I had my doubts about that. There's word going around that he had a hand in getting Mark the consultant post here.'
    Sarah frowned. Whatever her own feelings were about Mark, she knew that he was a good doctor, and even if she wasn't entirely happy with his methods, he succeeded in making sure that the unit ran smoothly.
    Shaun grimaced. 'I don't see it myself but people talk. Anyway, it turns out that Mark's father is holding a major fundraising event at his house, and he's asked us all to go along and lend our support. It's mainly so that he can raise funds for a new dialysis machine, but he's hoping to add to my sponsorship grant as well. It's too good an opportunity to miss.'
    'You're probably right. From what I've heard, he has a lot of influence hereabouts.'
    He glanced at her. 'I know that it's a bad time for you, but I'd be glad if you could come and join us. It would be good to have all my friends there. We're all signing up on the list on the noticeboard, so that he knows what number to cater for.'
    'I'm not sure,' she said. 'I'll think about it.. .but I'm really pleased for you, Shaun.'
    She went back to work, and after several hours on the go she was beginning to check her watch at intervals to see if she could make her escape and look in on Hannah.
    A nurse said, 'Would you take a look at the patient in treatment room four? He's complaining of pain in his throat, and he says his mouth is dry. I think he might have an infection, but I'd appreciate a second

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