Unconditional Surrender

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Book: Unconditional Surrender by Desiree Holt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desiree Holt
here tonight.
    She slid off her stool and turned for one last look into the performance room just as a warm hand touched her shoulder.
    “Sorry I missed the show,” a deep familiar voice said at her ear. “But maybe we can put on our own. In private.”

Chapter Six
    “I took a chance that you’d be here tonight.”
    Slade couldn’t stop looking at her, his eyes drinking in her nude body. This was the image that had danced through his dreams while he was away. Isolated from her in Afghanistan, the memory of her had been a great counterpoint to the assignments he and his team had been given. It wasn’t just the sex. He’d finally figured that out, although she was far and away the best sub he’d ever met.
    But she was also bright and sharp and, in the few snippets of conversation they’d had, a sense of humour had come through. He wondered what she did in her everyday life. Obviously something that required a brain. He had to be back at Fort Sam Houston tomorrow to hitch his ride back to his team. But he’d already decided that tonight he would ask for her name and give her his. And ask her if she’d have dinner with him when he could wangle some free time again.
    He’d already been told there were missions lined up for his team as soon as he returned but then he’d be getting downtime again. Of course, that might not be for another couple of months, but if he was lucky she’d say yes.
    She looked up at him from the padded bench where he’d placed her again, this time on her back with her wrists locked into manacles at the top corners. A sheet of white canvas lay on the floor beneath the bench and at his right hand on the table were the candles he’d lit as soon as they’d entered into the room, a small paintbrush, baby oil, lengths of fine rope and various other items that he’d need.
    “I came here to unwind,” she told him, her eyes following his every move. “I finished…a big project today. I didn’t expect to see you, but I thought maybe just being here might…” Her voice trailed off.
    “So you didn’t come here to play?” He tensed, waiting for her answer.
    “No. I didn’t.”
    Relief swept through his body. He didn’t know why it mattered so much to him. After all, they’d only been together three times and they hadn’t even exchanged names. But from the very first, way back in Chicago, there’d been a connection that he was sure she felt, too. Maybe after tonight it would be time to take this a little further.
    “Maybe it was fate,” he teased.
    “Maybe.” She smiled at him.
    “I have to leave again tomorrow,” he told her, actually glad when he saw the flash of disappointment in her eyes.
    “Oh?” She swallowed, obviously doing her best to conceal her disappointment. Trying to take her lead from him. Not have unreasonable expectations.
    She could hardly know that he was doing the same.
    “So tonight I think we’ll do something a little special.” He leant down and brushed his lips against hers. “Something to remember me by. Yes, girl?”
    She swallowed again. “Yes, Sir. What pleases you pleases me.”
    “And the reverse,” he told her in a warm voice. “Bend your legs and plant your feet on the bench.”
    She did as he’d told her but he could tell she wondered what came next.
    “Tonight I thought we’d indulge in a little wax play. My own style. I want to see that gorgeous cunt covered with soft wax, but it has to be naked and smooth for me to do so.” He pulled up a stool and sat down at the foot of the bench then reached for the bowl containing warm water and a razor. “Hold perfectly still,” he cautioned. “I don’t want to hurt you accidentally.”
    Meticulously he covered her entire mound with warm water and soapsuds. Shaving lather or gel was forbidden before wax play. Sometimes they contained a trace of alcohol that could be dangerous with the hot wax. Then he took his time, using slow, careful glides of the razor to remove the pubic

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