Tupelo Gold: Sweeter than Honey (Eclipse Heat Book 4)

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Book: Tupelo Gold: Sweeter than Honey (Eclipse Heat Book 4) by Gem Sivad Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gem Sivad
hours and pay them accordingly.” Comfort sighed in relief. Assured the CQ was under control, she began carrying Thanksgiving dinner out to the buggy.
    She smiled in anticipation as she inspected the plucked turkey, and the contents of the box of side dishes—sweet potatoes, scalloped corn, creamy butternut squash, and apple soup. Sally carried the unbaked pies and loaves of bread in another container.
    “Mind you don’t leave those apple pies in too long and burn the crust. And be sure and bake the bread until it’s done. Nobody wants to eat raw dough.”
    Comfort listened and made notes, while her mind considered the last disaster—she had to make the dressing for Thanksgiving. Everything else was taken care of because she'd paid Marta well for the succulent food they carried home.
    “I wrote down the recipe and pulled together the ingredients. You can do this, missy. I know you can.”
    Comfort looked doubtfully at the box of ingredients; onions, apples, pecans, and eggs as well as a bag of cornmeal.
    Marta rattled off directions for making the cornbread while she walked with them to the buggy.
    “The turkey’s cleaned, don’t worry about that. But you have to make the dressing up fresh before you stuff it in the fowl for baking. So you’ll have to make the cornbread tonight.”
    She broke the news to Comfort as she ticked off the ingredients. She’d included sage, thyme, salt, and pepper to season things, but her “pinch of this” and “dab of that” left Comfort feeling decidedly uneasy. 
    Nodding her gratitude, Comfort concentrated on the directions Marta assumed she’d be intelligent enough to follow. I’m doomed. If this concoction has to go in the turkey and the turkey is the main dish, Thanksgiving dinner is in jeopardy.
    Marta determinedly giving Comfort advice. “Dampen the stuffing with half a cup of melted butter. Then add the hot water enough to make it moist. Beat an egg with some salt pork, chipped fine and mix that up with the oysters, chestnuts, chopped celery and stoned raisins. Then fill the turkey and put it in the oven to start roasting.”
    Comfort’s head was swimming with the directions. Marta shoved a paper at her before she and Sally started back to the ranch. “I wrote it all down for you. Don’t worry, you’ll do fine.”
    Once Comfort and Sally were back in the buggy, Comfort said a quick goodbye. “Thank you, Marta. Blessings on you and may your own Thanksgiving be wonderful, tomorrow.”
      Comfort tucked the instructions for cooking everything that needed cooked, in her pocket, and pointed the horse toward home. As they trotted smartly out of town, she waved at the young bounty hunter.
    Beau Beauregard crouched next to his pet wolf as he talked to Hiram Potter in front of the sheriff’s office.
    Hiram tipped his hat at Comfort and she slowed the buggy to call a greeting their way. “Hiram, Beau—I hope your Thanksgiving is a blessed event.”
    “Beau and I will be sharing beans and coffee tomorrow. Best wishes to your family, Comfort,” Sheriff Potter called back.
    Comfort’s generosity overtook her common sense. “Don’t be silly. The two of you, come for dinner at our place. I'm sure we can do better than red beans and coffee.  In any event, Hamilton will enjoy visiting with you. Dinner’s mid-day. Don’t be late.”
    Her glow of satisfaction ended on the way back to the Double-Q when Sally, who’d been counting on her fingers, said, “You reckon there’ll be enough for all of us? We’ll be sharing food with fifteen, Mama.”
    “Oh that can’t be. We’re only cooking for a few…” Her words piddled to a halt as she ran a count in her own head. “Merciful heavens, what have I done?”
    * * * * *
      Hamilton held the roasted turkey aloft proudly displaying Comfort's accomplishment before him. As he set the bird on the table, he gazed at the passel of family and friends who’d come to share the day with them.  His throat closed as he was

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