Troubled Waters

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Book: Troubled Waters by Trevor Burton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trevor Burton
Sydney , with the surname of Goodchild. When they first emigrated they had a milk delivery business with the slogan a good child drinks Goodchild’s milk. A bit corny, I know.’
    I don’t want to ask about the bad discoveries for fear of upsetting the cosy atmosphere we are enjoying, and fortunately the waiter arrives with the dessert menu. We only go for coffee.
    ‘Would you like to see the Bavarian markets?’ I enquire.
    ‘Oh yes, I’ve heard about them. Are they here all year round?’
    ‘I’m struggling there,’ I say. ‘I used to think they were only around at Christmastime, but thinking about it they seem to be here every time I come into the city.’
    I pay the bill, and we stroll around stalls selling all kinds of goods. There is such a preponderance of candle stalls that it’s hard to see how they can all make money.
    We wander around the city for an hour, ending back at Wendy’s hotel.
    ‘Would you like another coffee before you drive?’ she invites, the sparkle evident in her eyes.
    We take a table in a quiet corner of the lounge. I order and excuse myself to the bathroom. When I return, the coffee is poured but I’m devastated to find Wendy on her mobile with tears streaming down her face.
    ‘Oh, my God, when?’ she is saying. ‘Yes, I’ll be here.’ She taps the off button.
    I’m disappointed and alarmed all at the same time, but feeling a bit of a heel for my selfish reaction, I recover quickly. ‘Wendy, what is it?’
    She sips her coffee, taking time to calm down. ‘I didn’t get around to telling you the bad bits. It’s my uncle John… he has cancer, and had a heart attack last night. He was taken into Wythenshawe hospital and is on a life support machine. They don’t think he will last out the day. My cousin Jack is on the way now.’
    ‘Would you like me to come with you?’ I ask.
    ‘No, but would you stay with me until Jack arrives?’
    ‘Yes, of course I will,’ I answer, taking her hand.
    I’m lost for words, and we sit in silence for a while before I resort to the usual platitudes: was he in pain, perhaps it’s for the best, etc. It makes me feel like a jerk!
    ‘I knew it had to, but not as soon as this. I’ve only known him two months.’ She starts to cry
    All I can do now is to put my arm around her as she quietly weeps.
    Jack arrives, and after the briefest of introductions he whisks her away. I sit disconsolate until the waiter, after a discreet length of time, asks if I am OK and can he get me anything. I thank him and decline. I look around and a few heads at nearby tables turn back to their own conversations. I quickly rise and place a bill on the table, and not waiting for change, then walk out of the hotel head up, looking neither left nor right. I drive home on auto-pilot, arriving home an hour later with no recollection of which route I travelled. Sunday night’s sleep is disturbed.

Chapter 10
    Monday 24 th November
    I wake with a headache, and not wanting to see the light of day I leave the curtains drawn. There is no message from Wendy on either my landline or mobile. Would she e-mail me? I don’t think she would know my personal email address, but she would know the Enodo email address. It’s enough of a kick to get me going. I am late already and decide to drive into Stockport rather than catch a later train from Crewe station, which would make me even later.
    I slouch into the office.
    ‘Morning!’ Amelia trills as she turns round. ‘My God, what happened? You look like hell.’
    I relate the events of the previous day. ‘Oh!’ she exclaims. ‘There’s not been an email, I’m afraid. Maybe the uncle is still hanging on. I’ll get coffee – strong – and I guess you could do with a biscuit too. I doubt you’ve had breakfast.’
    ‘No,’ I murmur, and she gives me hug before going to make coffee.
    The coffee and biscuits help.
    ‘Are you going to call her?’ asks Amelia.
    ‘Maybe later, nearer lunch time,’ I answer.

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