To Desire a Wilde

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Book: To Desire a Wilde by Kimberly Kaye Terry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Kaye Terry
a viable way to maximize results and keep chaos minimal.
    As had been the plan, Ellie had taken the time the previous week, before actually coming to the ranch to work out the system she’d designed, to not only create her methodology, but to also set up her lab at her father’s clinic.
    Although the blood she’d be drawing from the cattle would be sent to the lab in Cheyenne, Ellie also planned to review it, as well.
    Although she knew…prayed, that the evidence would prove the men’s animals were free of disease, she wanted the reassurance that she had done everything in her power to keep the research pure.
    That was the part of the process she enjoyed the most—research. In school it was what she’d excelled at, and was one of the reasons she’d won out for the scholarship to learn abroad. It was also what had eventually led to her being asked to take on this case.
    The only thing that put a damper on her enjoyment of this particular research was the reason she had to do it, and for whom. The risks and consequences for the ranch, if she were to find out there was indeed evidence of mad cow disease, would be catastrophic.
    â€œYou know, I think this is just about the right amount we need for now, Shilah,” she answered, raising her voice so he could hear her over the loud cries of the cattle.
    â€œGreat, so what’s the objective for today? I just want to make sure I’m clear so I can relay the information to the men. Don’t want to take any chances on this not being done right. A lot is riding on this,” he said in his deep voice, sending a fizzle of heat over Ellie, a reaction she ruthlessly forced to the side.
    There was no room for that. She was on the ranch forone reason, and one reason only—to do the job she was paid to do. Without fail she would do that job without interference from anyone, least of all Shilah Wilde.
    She glanced back over at Shilah. Despite the smile on his face, there was a hint of grimness in his tone. Ellie completely understood the reason for the strain, which mimicked the tension she herself was feeling.
    As he was looking over the cattle, a slight frown marring his perfect face, Ellie in turn allowed herself to look at him fully, drawing in a deep breath of resignation.
    He wasn’t supposed to be here with her. When she’d met with Nate yesterday and they’d gone over the tentative plans for the next two weeks, she’d been assured neither he nor his brothers would be here while she conducted the research.
    Instead, he’d informed her that she would be working with Jake, who was the ranch’s foreman, along with a crew Jake was already in the process of assembling to assist her in any way she needed.
    Nate had told her in no uncertain terms that neither he nor his brothers wanted be involved. They all knew the seriousness of the situation, and didn’t want there to be any question of bias, based on Ellie’s history as a family friend, or her father as the ranch’s vet. Nate had gone on to tell her that they felt confident their animals were clean and the investigation was one that had their full backing, knowing it would exonerate the ranch in the end.
    Nate’s heartfelt assurance had gone a long way in easing the last of the discomfort she’d felt in accepting the position, as had the brief hug he’d given her, welcoming her back home.
    Surprised at the unexpected display of friendship, a friendship that dated back to childhood, she’d blinked several times, battling back the emotion she felt from the small, but sincere, gesture.
    She’d had mixed feelings about accepting the position, one that had been extended to her after her involvement in a similar investigation, two years ago.
    Having worked with the USDA as a subcontractor before, Ellie’s name was in the database and, as only a select number of veterinarians in the country had her particular expertise, she’d been

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