Time for Love

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Book: Time for Love by Emma Kaye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Kaye
Tags: Romance, Historical, english, Regency, Time travel
topic about which she was fluent, but couldn’t exactly share.
    “Of course not, sir.” A big fat lie. Alex hoped he couldn’t hear the loud and rapid beating of her heart, thundering in her ears. She inched to her left to put space between them. He stood to her right, his scar prominently displayed when she glanced at his handsome profile before staring back out at the horizon.
    He tended to flaunt the scars, practically daring people to stare. Of the few new members of the crew on board for this trip, she was the only one he hadn’t lambasted with some scathing remark about their rudeness when they did. The old crew took it in stride.
    “The correct form of address is my lord or captain.” His lofty tone was belied by the twinkle in his eye, giving the impression he teased.
    “Of course—Captain.” She couldn’t bring herself to call him my lord. It just didn’t feel natural.
    He chuckled. “I prefer that one myself, and yet, I don’t seem to have much choice in the matter.” He sighed and leaned against the rail while he stared out over the water. “I was never supposed to have the title. My brother was raised for it, I never was. If only Lucius had had a son—but alas, he had four daughters. How he must have hated the thought I would inherit the title.”
    Alex wasn’t sure what to say but felt some type of response was necessary. “I was sorry to hear about your brother.”
    He shrugged. “We did not get along well. And we were only half-brothers. Our father married my mother shortly following Lucius’s mother’s death. I don’t think Lucius ever forgave him, and he certainly never forgave my sister and me.”
    “That’s terrible—to have family and not appreciate it. I would have given anything to have a brother or sister as I grew up.”
    “I thought your business in London had to do with a sister.” His brow furrowed as he turned slightly to look at her.
    “We weren’t raised together. I was told she died in the fire that killed our parents, though I didn’t believe it. We’d just found each other again when she disappeared. So I need to get to London as soon as I can. I’m hoping it won’t be too difficult to find her once I get there.”
    “You don’t know where she is?”
    “No.” Alex cringed inwardly at how she must sound—running off to find her sister with no clue how to do it. He probably thought she was an idiot. “But she was raised in England, and we apparently have some distant family connections in London she may have asked for help.”
    He nodded. “I see. Was it your family that alerted you to your sister’s disappearance?”
    Alex shook her head. “No. I have no idea if she ever got in touch with them.” She shrugged. “I guess I’ll find out when I get there.”
    “Perhaps I can help you.”
    “That’s very kind of you, but I wouldn’t want to impose. I’m sure I’ll be fine on my own.” She didn’t plan on staying around any longer than necessary once they arrived in London.
    “I insist. My mother knows virtually everyone in London society. I feel sure she can help you. Besides, you are a member of my crew, and I feel compelled to help.” Fine lines crinkled the corners of his eyes as he smiled, his face softened by the pleasant tilt of his lips.
    Her heart did a little flip, and she tried to ignore the uncomfortable feeling he was being so generous while she was deceiving him. Her disguise was definitely beginning to lose its charm.
    She nodded. “Thanks,” she said, not knowing how to get out of it gracefully and fully intending to leave before it became an issue. She liked the captain far too much already. Any extra time in his company would make it harder to leave. A complication she didn’t need.
    A faint pang in the vicinity of her heart made her wonder if it was too late.
    Nicholas stayed at the rail for a while after Turner left. What had caused him to speak of Lucius? He didn’t discuss his brother with anyone, yet tonight he

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