Thicker Than Water

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Book: Thicker Than Water by Anthea Fraser Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anthea Fraser
James?’ she enquired carefully, not looking at her friend.
    ‘He’s fine,’ Tina said shortly.
    James had, in fact, phoned her the day after their lunch together, asking her to forget what he’d said and reporting that all was now well. To emphasize the point, he’d passed on an invitation to supper, which was to take place the coming Friday. Until she saw them together, Tina was reserving judgement, but she could not tell Sylvie that.
    ‘Funny to think,’ Sylvie was continuing, spooning the froth from her coffee, ‘that on our shopping trip last year, he was in America, and I’d given up all thought of our ever being together. Pity I can’t just wave a wand and delete the past year – or at least, the past six months. Then I’d be no worse off than I was then.’
    ‘I’m so sorry,’ Tina said in a low voice.
    Sylvie squared her shoulders. ‘Don’t be – I don’t mean it. ’Tis better to have loved and lost , and all that. I wouldn’t want not to have had that time with James. And at least I didn’t lose him to a mousy little creature with halitosis!’
    Tina laughed. ‘I suppose there’s some comfort in that,’ she agreed.
    The dinner party at the flat was an outstanding success. Abigail had metamorphosed back from the tense, edgy person who’d come to their house into the charming and amusing one they’d met at the Old Rectory. Furthermore, she revealed herself as a talented cook, and the meal was delicious. James, too, was his old self, deftly playing his part as host, and the general atmosphere was happy and relaxed. So much so, that Tina felt able to reissue her invitation for them to stay over at Brambles.
    James and Abigail exchanged glances, as though the subject had already been discussed between them.
    ‘How about, for this year at least, we compromise?’ James suggested. ‘We’d love to come to you for Christmas Eve dinner, if we may, but we’ll come back here afterwards, and see you again at the parents’ the next day.’
    ‘That would be fine,’ Ben said quickly. ‘An admirable solution.’
    ‘And we’ll bring the mistletoe as usual,’ James added. He turned to Abigail. ‘It’s my contribution to the decorations. We’ll forage for some the weekend before Christmas.’
    ‘Will it involve climbing trees?’ Abigail asked guardedly.
    James smiled. ‘Not really; I usually go to a derelict orchard, halfway between here and Brambles. The trees are mainly apple, and pretty stunted.’
    ‘We’re lucky,’ Ben put in. ‘This is one of the few areas in the country where mistletoe grows. And did you know it’s the only native British plant with white berries?’
    ‘I can’t say I did,’ Abigail admitted, ‘but I confess I’ve never given it much thought except at Christmas – and then only to kiss under!’
    ‘Actually, it’s a fascinating plant – a parasite, of course, and as I said, quite particular about where it grows and what trees it chooses. There are legends and traditions about it dating back to Ancient Greece and Rome, not to mention the Druids.’
    ‘I can see my education has been sadly neglected!’ Abigail said ruefully.
    Tina phoned her mother the next day.
    ‘I know you’ve been worried about James and Abigail,’ she said, ‘so I thought I’d let you know that we went to the flat for supper last night, and everything was fine. I don’t know what’s been troubling her, but whatever it was seems to have passed and she’s back to normal. James seems much happier, too.’
    ‘Well, thank goodness for that,’ Rosemary Markham replied. ‘Your father and I were beginning to wonder if the marriage had been a mistake.’
    ‘I think we all were. She’s still a very private girl, and I suspect there are areas in her life that are no-go, but as long as she makes James happy, who are we to complain?’
    ‘Who, indeed?’
    ‘And incidentally, I saw Sylvie earlier in the week. We had our usual Christmas shopping marathon.’
    ‘How is

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