The Widow Vanishes

Read Online The Widow Vanishes by Grace Callaway - Free Book Online

Book: The Widow Vanishes by Grace Callaway Read Free Book Online
Authors: Grace Callaway
Tags: Historical Regency Romance
us," he said gravely. "Not unless you wish it to. Would you give me the honor, Bella, of starting over with you?"
    His breath suspended as he awaited her answer. Would she trust him enough to begin anew?
    "Alright," she whispered. "If that's what you want."
    Relief and satisfaction filled him. "Aye, lass," he said.
    'Twas a place to start.

    William McLeod was proving that rarity of rarities: a man of his word.
    Last night, after their talk, he'd treated her with the utmost courtesy, insisting that she take the bed whilst he slept on the couch. Snug beneath the coverlet, she hadn't been able to resist peeping in his direction. The Scot had looked like a cat stuffed in a birdcage with his brawny form spilling over the edges of the worn sofa, his large bare feet dangling off the end. She didn't know how he could possibly sleep in that position.
    Given that she was almost a foot shorter than he, it'd seemed only fair that they switch places.
    When she'd suggested this, he'd rumbled from the couch, "Being in the regiment trained me to sleep anywhere. Better me than you on this knobby monstrosity, lass."
    She had been comfy in the bed. Yet she could see him tossing about, and it didn't seem right.
    Tentatively, she'd said, "We could both sleep here. Keep to our own sides."
    "Don't tempt the devil, Bella. Now close those bonny eyes and go to sleep."
    Surprisingly, she'd fallen asleep within minutes. She'd woken feeling more refreshed than she had in weeks. Months, mayhap. The hearty breakfast brought up by one of the maids perked her up further. She tucked into the poached eggs and rashers of bacon, slices of bread toasted to buttery perfection. She washed it all down with cups of tea laced with sugar and cream.
    Catching McLeod's amused glance, she flushed. "I missed a meal yesterday—"
    "No need to explain. I like a woman with an appetite." He replenished her plate with heaping seconds. "Never did understand why ladies eat like birds."
    "I suppose that's because it's fashionable to be as slender as a swan."
    Annabel recalled her aunt and uncle's unceasing lectures on the evils of gluttony. To them, anything more than porridge for breakfast and meat once a week had been grounds for excess. Her love of food had appalled them. Defiantly, she munched on another piece of bacon.
    "Well, I like a lass with meat on her bones. Especially in the right places," McLeod said.
    He seemed genuinely admiring—not leering or lascivious. Just ... honest?
    Annabel's insides turned as gooey as a treacle tart fresh from the oven. Flustered, she finished her tea and told herself not to read too much into his compliments. McLeod was a good man—too good for the likes of her. While he was being courteous and generous, she reminded herself that he merely felt honor bound to help her. To assist the whore he'd slept with.
    His request to start anew had given birth to bittersweet longing. As her trust of him slowly grew, so did her futile wishes. If only they had met under different circumstances. If only she were still an innocent, the unsullied daughter of a country physician. If only she wasn't indentured to a sadistic cutthroat who disemboweled those who crossed him.
    If only, if only.
    She didn't have the luxury of wishful thinking, not with her debt looming. As much as she hated the notion of McLeod "taking care" of it for her, she had no other choice: if she returned to Todd herself, she faced certain peril. McLeod's intervention was her best, mayhap only , chance for survival. She would have to rely on the kindness of this virtual stranger—and pray that she wasn't making yet another mistake.
    "If you're done with breakfast, we'd best be off," McLeod said.
    "Where are we going?"
    "Not safe to leave you here by yourself while I parley with Todd," he said. "Todd knows where I live, so I can't risk bringing you there either. So I'm taking you to an old friend for the day while I sort the business out."
    "Who is this friend of yours?"
    "A man I

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