The Wicked Confessions of Lady Cecelia Stanton

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Book: The Wicked Confessions of Lady Cecelia Stanton by Viveka Portman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Viveka Portman
Tags: Romance, Historical, Historical Romance
envisioned Bess bent over the stables gate her round buttocks bare, and the devilish Brentwood grunting over her as he rutted.
    Arousing as the vision was, I did not allow myself to linger on it long. Instead I shrugged. ‘He is a significant improvement on Carter and his teeth no doubt.’
    Bess chuckled softly. ‘He is,’ she agreed, ‘I held him in high regard.’
    These were strong words from one such as Bess, but I let the sentiment rest. There were more important issues at hand.
    ‘You speak as if in the past. You no longer hold him in this regard?’ I asked.
    ‘No, I have grievously mistaken his character,’ she confessed.
    ‘Bess, my dear, you have always been an exemplary judge of character. Don’t doubt it. Still, I do not understand. How is that Brentwood suspects our…unconventional friendship?’ I asked.
    ‘Oh, I am ashamed!’ Bess exclaimed and pulled placed her hands over her mouth.
    I wanted to kiss her then, so much so that I leaned forward to stroke her face.
    She pulled away abruptly, and my hand fell listless to the bed.
    ‘Then explain this to me Bess.’ I ordered, unable to keep the sharpness from my tone. ‘Would that I have the news now, then at a later time when the county is filled with gossip.’
    ‘I had thought that Brentwood held me in good esteem,’ Bess began, and her cheeks flushed with colour.
    ‘Few do not, Bess.’
    She ignored my compliment.
    ‘He often asked me about how it is to serve and care for you.’
    I felt ill at ease once again, but tried to mask my reaction. ‘It is not an unusual question, I suppose,’ I commented. ‘Considering the scandal my husband attracts.’
    Bess shook her head. ‘It had nothing to do with Lord William. Nothing at all. Brentwood never asked after him. It was you, he always enquired after.’
    I said nothing.
    ‘I responded that I cared greatly for you and my work. He seemed pleased, but…’ she hesitated again. ‘Oh Ceecee, what a fool I am. We began to kiss and then, when our passion mounted and as climax came upon me, I called out your name.’
    I felt not the need to laugh, so much as cry. ‘Oh, Bess!’
    My maid looked down and wrung her hands in angst.
    ‘How extraordinarily ill-timed! What a thing to say,’ I cried.
    Bess shook her head. ‘I know.’
    ‘And how did he respond?’
    ‘He responded very ill indeed. He pulled himself away from his rut, and looked at me most curiously. Then asked, why I had uttered your name at that moment.’
    ‘I hope you offered a convincing argument.’
    She shook her head again. ‘I cannot lie, Ceecee.’
    ‘You did not…’ I breathed, my heart beating wildly. ‘You did not confess our…friendship…’
    Bess nodded dumbly.
    ‘I thought the man in love with me…’ she mumbled. ‘I didn’t think the confession would distress him as much as it did. He had seemed so worldly, understanding, perhaps. Yet he was disgusted by me.’ A sound of grief sprung from her lips. I was torn by the desire to comfort her and chastise her by equal measure. How could Bess have made such a foolish, stupid error?
    ‘Ceecee, I would never have said anything if I thought he would…’ she faded off.
    ‘Would what?’ I asked with some urgency.
    ‘Tell your husband.’
    My heart very near ceased to beat. Did William already know of my unnatural habits with my maid? The thought made me sick.
    ‘When? When is it alleged he spoke to William?’
    ‘Lord William is at the Farriers this morn.’
    It was then I realised that I may be in some strife.

Chapter 7
    Suffice to say that Bess and I spent the greater part of the morning in something of a state. I could not help worry what my husband make of Brentwood’s licentious rumours? Would he believe him? Would he want to defend my honour if he did not?
    I dismissed Bess early that day and admit that I thought of dismissing her entirely. But I did not, as I am also aware such a gesture could constitute as guilt in the minds of others.
    I was

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