The War (Play to Live: Book #6)

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Book: The War (Play to Live: Book #6) by D. Rus Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. Rus
the guide returned a long list of movies, music, books, and places, all of which could shape an NPC.
    I wrinkled my nose, but stayed away from the educational work process for now. On one hand, programming a character felt kinda rotten. Something just wasn’t right about it…
    On the other hand, to reform the character of a Drow by making her watch a hundred movies? Hm…Didn’t seem feasible. It seemed to me like the girls were just toying around with their boyfriends like some re-recruited spies. Hell knows whose side they were really on…
    The girls would get into groups to have a laugh about something as they polished their nails with their blades. Then the proud husband would show up, showing off his freebie biceps and broad shoulders, saying: "Honey, time to go home! I got new bedsheets trimmed with lace from the best seamstress. FYI, the thread is made from Passion Flowers, and the Indefatigability and Heightened Sensitivity spells have been applied to it."
    His ear-chopper girlfriend would give him an admiring glance, drop her eyes modestly, and, with a secret wink to her girlfriends, would follow her hero.
    "Air!" came the hysterical yet happy cry, distracting me from irrelevant thoughts.
    My reflexes failed me; instead of diving into the nearest trench for cover, I blinked and looked around. I was lucky that time; three dragons went into a power dive from the East side, aiming for the approaching enemy lines. It was Vertebra along with Draky and Craky, who had grown to be the size of trucks.
    I missed the moment when the dragons opened the containers they were carrying. But the steel rain of heavy faceted arrows was impossible to miss. For the first time since World War One, flechettes were back on the battlefield.
    Unfortunately, they were amateurish, randomly built crossbow bolts. They did not deal a lot of damage. On the contrary, because they were too heavy, their stats were low, which surely made their creators pull faces. We hoped their numbers would make up for the low stats and that the sudden attack from the sky would shock the enemy.
    We hit good, but not without some losses. Five to seven percent of damage turned out to be friendly fire. Some of ours just happened to be in the way.
    Sadly, the dragons were not part of the raid, so everyone got their share; both the innocent and the guilty. The bolts lashed against the staff officers’ armor, then hammered on the dwarves with a ringing sound, then poured over the approaching enemy hordes.
    Very few got killed, but at least a third got injured. In theory, a flechette would pierce a rider along with a horse. But in our reality, the survivability of the top warriors rivaled that of the famous cat from Tom & Jerry. You had to hit them hard, repeatedly, and be remarkably creative with your attacks too.
    Before my very eyes a sharp bolt pierced an enemy werebear, entering the back of its head, coming out of its lower jaw and sinking into its sharp-clawed paw.
    You’d expect it to drop dead. But no way! Minus 6 percent HP, a slight limp and nothing more…
    I wondered what the survivability of such a player might be in the real world? A gun wouldn’t work; it would probably just pump the bear’s fat full of lead at best. A machine gun? Hm…In kilojoules, a flechette dealt more damage than a bullet. That meant that it would take a whole magazine to bring down a bear like this. And it was crucial to hit vulnerable areas. Wow…
    We had long ago discovered the Grumbler’s – Lazar’s – secondary interest. He was digging up information on anomalies and portals that could lift the veil between the worlds, tenacious like a hound tracking its prey.
    The world’s most democratic country had already seen some success in this matter, while we still hadn’t gotten anywhere, sadly. And not just in AlterWorld, but on Eva 4 as well…
    The enemy no longer kept in step, raised a racket in confusion, then scattered in fear at the sight of the dragons repeating

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