The Unforgettable Ex (Captured by Love Book 5) (Volume 5)
    “Yes. You need security, and I’m it. There’s no one I can call at the last minute that I trust well enough to do a good job of it, apart from Carter. But he’s got something else on tonight, so the only acceptable choice to watch over you is me.”
    “But... what about Molly?”
    “She’s gone home.”
    “Right.” Was that good news or not? Nah. Perhaps Molly just couldn’t stay the night. That didn’t mean they hadn’t already had sex—
    Ugh! Don’t go there, you idiot! She couldn’t help but let out a ragged sigh.
    “It’s not what you think, Tash,” Gavin said softly.
    She bit her lip, not trusting herself to speak lest she made a fool of herself.
    “I have to hang up so I can update the police,” Gavin said. “I’ll see you soon. Just get to the hotel as quickly as you can, okay?”
    “So you do think that whoever tried to follow me is involved in a criminal matter that you’re helping the cops with?”
    A thought hit her. She scrunched her face, reluctant to bring up the topic, but she had to. “Gav, what if someone’s following Molly on her way home too?”
    “I doubt there was more than one person who was watching my place.”
    Her brows furrowed at the lack of concern in Gavin’s tone. “How can you be sure?”
    “Don’t worry about Molly. I’m sure she’s fine.”
    “If she does need help, I suppose you’re gonna have to go to her, huh?” She slapped her hand on her forehead. Why, oh why, did she have to ask him that question? What was wrong with her?
    “No,” Gavin answered quietly. “If Molly needs help, someone else can attend to her. I’m not going anywhere but to your hotel room so I can keep you safe. I have to go now so I can be there sooner rather than later, okay?”
    “Okay,” she answered, her eyes watering from his caring words. Ah, damn it. Just when she thought she’d been wrong, he had to say something that raised her hopes up again.
    She let out a swooning sigh when the line went dead. His words proved that he and Molly weren’t serious. That was all she needed to know.
    And she might as well admit it. She was looking forward to spending time alone with Gavin—in a five-star hotel suite. If there was one thing she wanted above all else, it was to win him back. Perhaps the events of tonight was a gift to enable her to do just that?
    She gulped. She’d gone to Gavin’s place tonight to try to figure out if she still had the power to seduce him. When she’d discovered that just opening herself up to the possibility of getting back together with Gavin had awakened her libido almost instantaneously, she had irrefutable proof that Gavin still held the key to her heart and body. No point hiding from that again.
    Well, she wasn’t planning on being alone for the rest of her life. So if Gavin was ready to move on from Amber, why not throw herself into the mix of girls he could choose from? No one cared about Gavin as much as she did, so wasn’t this the perfect time to remind him of that?
    Yes. She’d hate herself if she didn’t take the chance.

    G avin took several deep breaths as he rode the elevator up to the suite he’d booked. His fear of Natasha being on Austin and Biggs’ radar was contained for the time being, but the excitement at being alone with her tonight was not.
    He simply hadn’t been able to help the longing that had hit him when he’d learned from Carter just a few minutes ago that Tash had been talking to the girls about their past relationship. He doubted she would have discussed it with their friends if she hadn’t been thinking of him lately, especially since she’d been so adamant about not telling anyone about their old romance.
    The ardent look she’d given him the night she’d broken up with Leo still constantly floated in his mind, and now this. It was filling him with hope that she was attracted to him again, and all that hope was making him yearn for her with greater

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