The Truth Seeker

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Book: The Truth Seeker by Dee Henderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dee Henderson
place to rest, constantly having to tug a dark world toward God while not getting sidetracked by it.
    He was forty-four. The days he wanted to hang around entirely with guys were long gone. If he had to take extra care in how he was friends with a woman, then he would find and watch that line, make that extra effort. Having friends in L.A. he could call when he was in town, someone in Dallas, someone in Chicago—they made it possible to accept the other drawbacks that came with a profession that sent him around the country.
    And if over the years he’d bought more than a few wedding gifts—
    well at least he had the good sense to choose wonderful ladies to be his friends.
    Quinn wasn’t going to get romantically involved with someone he couldn’t marry—he’d already had a lifetime of dreams not coming true.
    He wasn’t about to let himself head down a road that before he took the first step he knew would not lead anywhere. Life was about
    “Your guess is as good as mine. If he was looking for a chance to
    choices, the toughest ones involving where he put his time.
    During the last year Jennifer had come to believe, then Kate and Marcus. There was hope for Lisa. Distant, but there. She would be his friend either way—
    Car headlights reflected across the mirror and this time the car pulled into the parking lot.
    Marcus pulled into the parking space beside him and got out of his car to circle to the passenger side, leaning against the side of it. Quinn rolled down his window. Marcus crossed his arms across his chest as he thought about the situation, then looked over at Quinn. “Someone looking for you? Three times—he’s tracking your movements. Why?”
    deliver a message, he’s already had it. And if he’s watching for someone else—well he’s not a professional. Have you noticed someone following you?”
    “Just me. Wonderful. I didn’t exactly advertise I was coming to Chicago.”
    “Amy Ireland?”
    “Maybe, but why? It was a dead end. She’s Canadian, not even the person I was looking for.”
    “You made the newscast when the house collapsed and Lisa was airlifted to Mercy General. Someone saw you were in town.”
    “It makes about as much sense as anything.”
    “Watch your back in the morning, and check the car before you turn the key. We’ll run the release sheets in the morning, see who’s out there with a grudge.”
    “Sorry I interrupted the game.”
    Marcus smiled. “Don’t be. Jack looked relieved. I’ll shadow you back to the hotel.”
    “Dave was going to swing back by. Relax. If trouble did come calling, no one would get past Kate.”
    “True. Still—” Quinn started the car. If it weren’t for the fact he’d possibly be bringing danger back to her subdivision, he’d go watch Lisa’s house for the night.
    Marcus pushed away from his car. “Next time, back up into him.
    A car accident would be appropriate in the circumstances.”
    “Believe me, I was tempted.”
    Quinn headed back to the hotel, Marcus driving a few cars behind.
    Quinn slowed to pull into the hotel parking garage and Marcus lifted a hand in farewell and pulled past him. Quinn hesitated, then started circling toward the top floor. He’d seen the results of more than one car bombing in his lifetime. If he missed something during the check in the morning, better to blow up the roof than the basement.

    What time is it out there?”
    Lisa reluctantly admitted the truth. “Four A.M.”
    Jennifer chuckled softly. “I’ll send you some of my dawn. It’s gorgeous. My hospital room faces east. And you were prescribed sleeping pills for a reason. Take them next time.”
    Lisa had lain awake long enough the shadows in the bedroom had become furniture and clutter, the open sliding doors to her closet creating the only cave of blackness left undeciphered. This Wednesday, her second morning back home, was starting much as her first: The sleep she wanted refused to come. If she tried to get up she’d wake Kate, who was sleeping in the second spare

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