The Templar's Legacy (Ancient Enemy)

Read Online The Templar's Legacy (Ancient Enemy) by R. Scott VanKirk - Free Book Online

Book: The Templar's Legacy (Ancient Enemy) by R. Scott VanKirk Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. Scott VanKirk
Tags: Mighty Finn #3
conceptions of reality.
    I held out through an eternity of growing agony. After about thirty seconds, I decided that I couldn’t take it any longer. Carefully, I rolled onto my side and held my breath while I nudged Colette’s head back along my arm and scooted my shoulders into a more comfortable position. I managed to move my shoulder off whatever had been poking it, but then realized that I’d pushed my pillow out of place so I had nowhere to rest my head. After another eternity of slow motion, and breath holding, I retrieved the pillow and got it into a semi-comfortable position.
    Finally pain-free, I sighed and relaxed. My face was just inches from Colette’s and the strange but heady mix of salami, toothpaste, wood smoke and woman filled my head. I took a deep breath, let it out through my pursed lips, closed my eyes, and let myself go.
    That’s when Colette let loose with an ear-numbing snore. I could scarcely believe such a huge snarling sound could come out of such a petite woman.
    Fortunately, all was not lost. I had a secret weapon. Spring? Hey Spring? Can you help me go to sleep here?
    Snoring sounds started echoing through my brain as Spring showed her annoyance with me.
    Come on , Spring, I’m sorry!
    The internal snores continued, playing counterpoint to the ones reaching my ears the normal way.
    Oh god. I was doomed.

Pixies Suck
    The next morning, after a long, noisy, uncomfortable night, a stab of pain in my head poked right through my comfortable woolly blanket of sleep.
    I yelped and struggled to sit up in my sleeping bag. A huge insect buzzed around my head, sparkling in the morning sunlight. From the sting it had given me, I assumed it was a wasp. I waved my arms around frantically trying to slap the thing away before it stung me again.
    Colette sat a short way away from me on her sleeping bag. “Finn!”
    The bug, or whatever it was, buzzed my ear. I tried to smack it. “Graahhh!”
    I scrambled out of my sleeping bag to get away from my little tormentor.
    Behind me Colette cried out, “Finn, c’est une fée !”
    I stared at Colette and eloquently stated my confusion. “A fee? Huh?”
    She pointed her finger at something beside my head. “ Regardez-le ... I mean, look!”
    I followed the direction of her finger and saw a startlingly large dragonfly whose wings flashed with a rainbow of color as it hovered a few feet away from my head.
    Spring relieved me of my misapprehension quickly. It’s not a dragonfly, Finn. Look at it.
    I scowled at the bug that certainly zipped around like a dragonfly, but in one of its stationary moments, I saw that it really wasn’t a dragonfly. A tiny, naked, human girl with bright yellow hair and black eyes returned my regard. She was held aloft by tiny shimmering wings.
    Spring sent me an image of the little creature landing in my mouth just before I snapped it shut. Close your mouth Finn. I doubt it will fall for that old ruse , anyway.
    I shut my mouth, but it dropped open again as my brain tried to digest the fact that a quite fetching micro-girl, check that, micro-woman buzzed around my head. She zoomed right at my face.
    I ducked and put my hands up to ward it away, but instead of hitting my face, it went over my hands and stung me on my head again.
    “Ow! You little shit!”
    Turn around , Finn. It’s behind us.
    I whirled around to confront my tormentor again. She buzzed in place about three feet away. In her tiny little hands, she held a tiny little handful of hair.
    “Hey, that’s my hair!” I tried to swat the little blighter out of the sky. It was about as effective as if she were an agitated housefly. She zipped, zoomed, zigged, and zagged around my head faster than I could follow and then came in for another run. I frantically flapped both hands around my head again, hopping to keep her off this time, but it was to no avail. Another sharp pain heralded the loss of more of my hair. She buzzed away with her booty.
    She’s gone.
    I spun to look

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