The Swords of Babylon (Matt Drake 6)

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Book: The Swords of Babylon (Matt Drake 6) by David Leadbeater Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Leadbeater
a wet sound as he plumped down on to the seat beside him.
    The chopper lifted off, barely giving the other three enough time to jump aboard. Dahl was the last, making an athletic leap to grab hold of one of the skids, then crouching and leaping again in an instant, gun swinging, like a world-class free runner.
    Drake stared. “Nice.”
    “New hobby.”
    “I meant the rescue.”
    “Oh, well, you ’re welcome. Couldn’t leave you out here on your own to be horribly tortured.”
    “Dahl,” Alicia said, “hasn ’t stop pacing up and down since we got here. I think he loves you, Drakey.”
    “Bog off.”
    Dahl reddened.
    “And thanks to you too, Alicia.” Drake let himself relax for just a moment as the chopper continued to rise.
    “You know, they just had to say words like guns and explosions to get me here.”
    Drake turned to Mai. “Hey—”
    Just then Hayden screamed, “Oh no, dammit! They’ve got a fu—”
    A massive explosion shook the chopper as the rocket propelled grenade struck the chopper ’s undercarriage. The helicopter immediately spun out of control.
    Kinimaka shouted out what was already clear, “Hold on! We’re going down!”

    Drake grabbed hold of a restraint strap with his left hand, and pushed Yorgi firmly back into his seat with the other. He saw Hayden fighting the collective, Kinimaka leaning across to help by adding his own strength, as the sky flicked around and around like a crazy kaleidoscope.
    “Ow!” Drake smashed his head against the bulkhead. Aware that the ground was rushing up, he held on even tighter and yelled, “Where’s the spare guns, for fuck’s sake!”
    The chopper slammed down hard, the sickening crunch of its buckling skids giving them a millisecond to prepare before the belly of the machine struck concrete. The impact sent Alicia tumbling, smashing her head against a seat back. Mai and Dahl held on, but crashed into each other. Drake protected Yorgi with a grip like a band of steel.
    As the chopper came to rest, Hayden immediately unbuckled and climbed out of her seat. “Hurry!” Both she and Kinimaka took up weapons and opened the cockpit doors, quickly establishing positions as guards came running forward.
    Alicia groaned as blood seeped from her scalp down her forehead. Drake crouched beside her. “Can you focus? Can I borrow your gun?”
    “Piss off!”
    Dahl threw open the side door, reaching into a lockbox as he did so. “Spare weapons and mags in there, Drake. Help yourself. You might want to arm your new friend , too.”
    The Swede jumped down, followed by Mai. Drake delved into the lockbox. Alicia jumped out the other side, backing up Hayden. Guards ran at them from the entrance of the prison building, using the cover provided by several sheds and vehicles along the way. Prisoners had crossed over the breach in the wall by now and were again massing for a charge.
    “We don ’t have much time!” Hayden yelled. “Anyone got a plan?”
    Dahl shouted above the din. “This way!”
    Drake picked an M4 assault rifle, slightly out of date perhaps , but a great weapon, and handed Yorgi a SIG Pro semi-automatic pistol. “Make sure it’s loaded and grab some spare ammo.” Drake readied himself at the door, prepping the M4.
    Yorgi nodded.
    Drake jumped, landing a foot behind Dahl. Bullets fizzed all around the stranded chopper, even skimming off the concrete and the tiny spaces underneath the machine. Yorgi landed awkwardly and Drake steadied the man before he tripped headlong. Mai sent sporadic bursts at the walls over the prisoner ’s heads, shattering the concrete and showering them with hard shards. Dahl made sure they all saw where he was pointing.
    He took off, staying low. Drake quickly searched the inmate crowd for signs of Zanko or Razin, but saw nothing. He waited as Mai slipped past him and he saw Hayden, Kinimaka and Alicia running their way. He turned and followed the mad Swede, making

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