The Stuart Sapphire

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Book: The Stuart Sapphire by Alanna Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alanna Knight
    His gaze was quite direct, no cautious exchange of doubtful glances with his comrades here. All perfectly correct and right.
    ‘As a matter of fact, sir, we were playing at cards – ourusual evening pursuit when we are on duty. The hours can seem very long and very boring.’
    Nods of approval from fellow officers.
    ‘Where do you sit?’
    ‘At the table, right here, as we are now.’
    Tam looked round the table with its direct unbroken view. The players would be alerted instantly to anyone approaching the royal apartments, unless their powers of concentration were absorbed by a losing hand and the probable financial loss involving a large bet.
    ‘So you would observe anyone coming or going?’
    Warren nodded. ‘We would indeed, sir. But there rarely is anyone but ourselves. And,’ he added confidently, ‘there is an outer ring of guards downstairs any interloper would have to get through first.’
    A nod from the guardsman sitting next to him, whose name was Toby: ‘Very strong security, sir, particularly since attempts on His Royal Highness’s life—’
    A delicate cough, the suspicion of a warning nudge from Warren and, clearing his throat apologetically, Toby subsided.
    Tam said: ‘You mentioned that there never was anyone – usually.’
    Again Warren nodded. ‘Last night Lord Henry and Lord Percy went upstairs to watch the shipwreck. They gave us the nod and we promised to keep an eye on everything.’
    ‘And when would that be?’
    ‘Before nine o’clock. They were only gone for half an hour.’
    ‘And that is absolutely all? There was nothing unusual during their absence?’
    Looks exchanged, heads shaken. ‘Nothing in the least unusual,’ said Warren.
    ‘Unless you would consider it significant for one of our fellows from downstairs,’ prompted Toby, ‘walking along the corridor, inspecting the condition of the light sconces.’
    Warren nodded. ‘There had been complaints.’
    ‘And who was this fellow?’
    Warren shook his head. ‘One of our lads, wearing a uniform jacket, a bit casually dressed,’ he added rather severely, ‘but the light was too dim to make out any details. But he knew us, greeted us by name, gave us goodnight.’
    ‘He forgot to salute, which he should have done to his superior officers,’ said Toby severely.
    ‘We don’t make too much insistence on such details,’ Warren interrupted hastily, ‘not during the night. Keep it informal, we’re not in battle rank ready for inspection.’
    ‘Did you see this officer return again in the direction of the stairs?’
    Again heads were shaken. ‘We weren’t watching him every moment, sir. We were somewhat involved in our game – a crucial stage—’
    ‘So you presumed he had completed his inspection.’
    ‘That is so, sir.’
    ‘Without actually seeing him leave?’
    A frown from Warren. ‘Exactly so, sir. Is it important?’
    It was important, but Tam, feeling that he was on the road to nowhere, thanked them and took his departure.
    The interview had been something of a revelation and had yielded the first clue. This genial guardsman who had forgotten to salute his superior officers was most probably also the murderer. In a borrowed uniform, causing a diversion about the lights, he had managed to distract the guards’ attention. Knowing that Henry and Percy were absent he had taken the opportunity to slip into the royal bedroom and murder the marchioness.
    A more daring and brazen approach, carefully planned and timed with the possibility of an accomplice, cancelled out Tam’s original theory regarding the secret entrance to the royal bedroom.
    For a moment it all sounded plausible enough, but closer thought revealed a multitude of holes that needed filling in, a host of improbabilities. And the greatest of them looming heavily upon the horizon was the missing key to the solution of any crime. Who had most to gain; find that and with it you unlock the answer.
    Tam shook his head wearily. With

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