The Stolen Bride

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Book: The Stolen Bride by Brenda Joyce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Joyce
Tags: Romance
meaning it.
    She stuck her tongue out at him.
    “I am going to box your ears—hard—and tell Father what you have done.”
    She pranced, just a little. “But you can’t catch me.”
    She was right—she was as fleet and as lithe as a deer. “I don’t enjoy being spied on.”
    “Do you love her?” she suddenly asked.
    “No!” The moment he spoke, he regretted it, as it was none of her affair. “Come here, Elle.” He took a step toward her.
    She shook her head, backing away. Then she grinned. “I’ve been kissed.”
    He felt his world become oddly still. “I hope you are lying, Elle.”
    She grinned hugely at him. “No. Jack O’Connor kissed me last week behind the chapel.”
    Sean was shocked. And then he whirled into action, striding back to the stables, calling for a groom and a horse.
    Eleanor ran after him. “Where are you going?”
    “I am going to kill young Jack O’Connor .” He meant it. He had never been more furious—Elle was just a child!
    Eleanor grabbed his arm. “Wait! Don’t! It was my fault!”
    Sean faced her grimly. “Did he kiss you, or not?”
    She bit her lip. “I kissed him. Like this.” And she threw her arms around Sean, actually leaping up to kiss his lips.
    He hauled her off. “You threw yourself at that boy?”
    “Why not? You kiss all the girls! And all the ladies! You are a rake! Father says so.”
    Recently, he and his brothers had been tearing up the countryside, testosterone raging. He flushed. “You can’t spy on me anymore! I’m not a boy now, Elle! You’ll see things you shouldn’t!” He was truly aghast.
    “Like you putting your hands down her bodice— and touching her between her legs?” She smiled mischievously at him, then mimed, “Oh, oh, OOHH!”
    He’d had enough—a boxing of the ears would not do. Sean reaced for her, but she darted quickly away. He set chase, determined to somehow corner her so he could thrash her at least once. She started to laugh, putting a tree between them and dancing just out of his reach every time he tried to seize her. She might be as quick as a hare, but he had fortitude, and sure enough, in a few more moments, she started to scowl, clearly becoming bored.
    “All right, I give up,” he said quietly, turning away.
    She sighed and left the safety of the tree, and he whirled and grabbed her by her ear.
    “Ow! Ow!”
    He shook her well, not once, but twice. “The next time I catch you spying on me, I am turning you over my knee, as if you were five or six.”
    “All right! I’m sorry! I swear!” she begged, wild - eyed.
    “Ladies don’t swear—but then, you’re a hellion not a lady. Let’s go.” Not releasing her ear, he started to walk away from the stable, Elle in tow .
    “I am sorry—and I won’t swear!”
    “You’re not sorry—and you’ll probably swear at your wedding!”
    “Don’t take me to Father!” she begged, a tear falling.
    He halted. In spite of what she had done—and what she had seen—he did feel sorry for her. He transferred his grip to her arm. “Did you really kiss Jack?”
    She hesitated. “Yes, I did, but on the cheek—not the mouth.”
    “I thought so.” He sighed. “Ladies don’t lie, Elle, they don’t kiss boys, and they don’t swear.”
    “I hate being a lady,” she pouted.
    He had to smile—and she smiled back .
    Sinclair’s breathless declaration jerked Sean back into the present. He didn’t want to remember the past, but he didn’t want to watch Elle making love to another man, either. Sinclair held her face in his hands. The man was visibly shaking and Elle, damn it, was smiling at him—as if she were in love.
    “I am trying very hard to be a gentleman,” Sinclair whispered, “but you make it almost impossible.”
    “It’s only the two of us,” Elle murmured. “No onewill ever know if you are being a gentleman tonight or not.”
    Sean started to step forward to intervene but caught himself in the nick of time. Was

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