The Snow Leopard's Mate: BBW Snow Leopard Shifter Paranormal Romance

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Book: The Snow Leopard's Mate: BBW Snow Leopard Shifter Paranormal Romance by Zoe Chant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zoe Chant
his. It made him look like a teenager. And the rear view was very nice.
    Ali took as quick a shower as she could, which was pretty fast; it was easier to rush a shower when all she had were man products. She stepped out of the bathroom to the smell of bacon.
    “Almost done,” Grey said over his shoulder.  She went to climb the stairs to the loft.
    When she was at the top, a sudden suspicion made her glance over her shoulder, and sure enough, he was admiring her rear view with as much naked—ha!—appreciation as she’d had for him.
    Well, it was good to know that they were on the same page.
    Ali threw last night’s clothes back on and came downstairs to a big spread of pancakes, eggs, and bacon.
    “Wow,” she said, surveying the food. “I didn’t know you were running a diner in here.”
    “I like to eat,” he said, unapologetically. “And I like women who like to eat. Don’t tell me you were planning on having celery for breakfast or something.”
    Ali shook her head emphatically. “This looks like exactly what I want for breakfast.”
    “Good, then dig in.”
    Ali did. It was delicious. The pancakes were light and fluffy, the eggs buttery and soft, and the bacon had the perfect amount of crisp. "This is amazing."
    Grey shrugged. "I like to cook. All alone out here, the delivery options are pretty slim, so it was either learn how to cook or eat bad food. I'm too fond of food to stand for the second option."
    "Me too." Ali crunched down a slice of bacon. It was delicious. "I'm an okay cook, but I never make breakfast like this."
    "I love cooking breakfast. Sometimes all I eat all day is breakfast. Omelets, waffles, sausage patties... You've only scratched the surface of breakfast, as far as I'm concerned."
    Ali smiled. "I'll have to come back and test the full range of possibilities."
    His eyes were warm. "I hope you do."
    Ali ate until she was stuffed, and then reluctantly found her purse. Her phone had a text from Molly, where r u??? , which kept her from pulling Grey into the bed for round two of the morning. She said, "I really do need to get going."
    "Of course." Grey finished putting the dishes in the sink and turned, drying his hands. "But first, I wanted to say something."
    Curious, Ali came over to him. "What is it?"
    He took her hand. "I know you grew up around shifters, so I guess I won't have to explain the whole thing. I can just say it."
    "Say what ?" He looked nervous. What could be making him nervous?
    "Well, last night, when we— I realized something. About you."
    Now Ali was nervous. "Grey, you have to spit it out or I'm going to start getting paranoid."
    "No, no. It's nothing bad. It's just, well, I suspected it from the second we met, but when we were together, I was sure. I don’t know how much you know about shifters and how they mate, but we each have one single person that we’re destined to be with. And Alethia...You're mine. My mate."
    Ali stared at him. Horror sent icy ripples over her body. She was so shocked that she couldn't even speak.
    Grey looked confused. "I can explain it better if you don’t understand."
    "I understand you." Her voice was flat.
    "You don't look happy," he said quietly.
    That shook her out of her heartbroken daze. Now hot fury washed over her. "Of course I don't look happy!"
    This could not be happening again. She couldn't believe it. She'd thought Grey was different.
    "Why would you say that to me?" Her voice cracked.
    He looked bewildered. She hadn’t thought he was that good of an actor. "It's the truth, Alethia."
    "It's not the truth!"
    "Of course it's the truth! Why would I lie about something like that?"
    Ali shook her head, tears starting to prick at her eyes. "Why would anybody lie about it?"
    "I don't know why anybody would lie about it!" Grey ran his hands through his hair, agitated. "I don't understand why you're upset."
    Because you're using that horrible lie to trick me into going to bed with you again. Why would you even bother

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